Reviews from

in the past


En su día probablemente funcionase al ser de los primeros JRPGs de la consola, pero a día de hoy jugar al primer Breath of Fire equivale a jugar uno de esos JRPG de la NES que simplemente consistía en aventura, mazmorras y combate por turnos.

Toda la historia del juego es una lista entera de clichés; guerreros de luz y guerreros de oscuridad, imperio maligno que hace cosas malas, aldea del prota arrasada, personaje importante del prota secuestrado y demás personajes afectados por el imperio que también quieren luchar y se unen al prota por un objetivo común.

FFII llevó el concepto de la lucha por el imperio a un contexto más interesante 5 años antes de este y no hay giros de trama interesantes como se hizo años después en The Legend of Dragoon.

Si cualquier jugador de JRPGs piensa en los tópicos del género cada vez que estos ocurren en los actuales, esto es como si se hubiese hecho un juego con todos y cada uno de esos tópicos pero con la salvedad de usar animales antropomórficos como personajes principales.

I'm kind of surprised this came out in 1993 because it feels very NES. Go to TOWN to collect ITEM that unblocks the path to go to next TOWN to collect ITEM etc. Fun enough though.

nothing difficult past a few bits but really fun and p short for an SNES rpg. it kinda sucks that like half the party isn't worth using the moment they join bc of how levelling is but i enjoyed this

Just a copy of Dragon Quest, but honestly, I'm not one to complain. BoF1 incorporates many great elements that DQ gets right, such as quality of life features like dungeon exit spells and teleportation, charming sprites, and a simple yet enjoyable traditional plot. It does have a few gameplay imbalances, but they're not infuriating. Overall, it's a good start to the series. I played it with the War of the Goddess mod.

This sucks. Let's talk about it because it sucks.

There's no writing. I think there are moments that could constitute as writing, but there is a distinct lack of writing.

The music is ok. the dungeon music is not ok you will hear it every day for your life.

I did not see Ox have his kid even though the game said he was gonna have a kid. Ox saved the game as he was so manly and alpha male.

If this came out as a release for the NES it would be a 5/10, but the plot twist is you could be playing fucking Super Mario All Stars but for christmas you got this shit. I'm so sorry.

You can beat 90% of fights through autobattle.

Speedup required

I sold a key item on accident btw so don't do that. 8202DEA4 015F

I made this code to get the Fife back after I sold it. uhm. here it is. GBA version btw.

The late-game dungeons are kinda like bad. they have annoying mazes and take 10 years and are gimmicky and you should not play this game.

it has no pacing because everything is blocked behind key items. and those key items are obtained through walking to other towns and talking to people.

please play literally any other snes rpg or nes rpg or basically anything.

soldier 2 is a real g he took 1.3 million exp to level up which is ironic due to the fact that you will lose 1.3 million brain cells while playing the game.

fuck you breath of fire 1

Bow the archer is a very well written character. Wow! Not half bad, nintendo