Reviews from

in the past

I wanted to give this game a chance, being such a big Gerry Anderson fan, that there was always the chance that this game could've been good! Unfortunately, it's pretty bad and that's even less surprising when I learnt the company behind this game were infamous for making games that went straight into the bargain bin.


Haha, NO!

There's no real story to speak of beyond what you will know from the TV show, but you never see any characters beyond old stock images from the show.

Mysterons are causing trouble and you stop them by blowing them up. Usually there's a poorly explained reason and as missions get harder, time limits are added to missions. Pretty much nearly every mission is to destroy all enemies and you win!

The worst is the escort mission where you need to take out the enemy before the VIP car shows up.


You drive around in vehicles based on the show and fire machine guns and missiles out at the enemy.

The enemy, on the other hand, all drive copy-paste black cars with big machine guns mounted on top of them. It seems in this world humans don't exist. Like the Cars movies.

Driving these vehicles could be more fun if the controls weren't awkward and delayed. What makes it worse for funs is weapons are fired out of the wrong parts of the vehicles which makes me doubt anyone involved had seen a single movie.

There's nothing to gain by playing this and only wasting your time when you could be playing a far better and more fun game, like the one I followed this game up with. SWAT Kat's.