Reviews from

in the past

Genuinely incredible game. The visuals are some of the best I've seen from games at that time and the soundtrack is incredible with special mention to Richter's theme that makes for and amazing first impression. Alongside that, Richter feels really smooth to control and, although we lost multi-direction whipping from Super Castlevania IV, the subitems are really expanded and fun to use. Alongside Richter's journey, the newcomer Maria is also incredibly fun to control and makes for an amazing inclusion to the game, increasing it's replay value. Overall, it's the best Castlevania game I've played so far.

An Amazing Way to Finish the Journey of Richter, so many references to the old games, and the game design is so beautiful.

olha… esse jogo… é um caso complicado. no início, eu tava adorando as fases e o desafio do jogo, mas com o passar da minha jornada e rumo aos 100% (que foram alcançados), eu senti ele meio injusto e maçante, principalmente no stage 4, além das fases escondidas realmente não terem me marcado, e no final eu só queria jogar com a maria e me frustrava mesmo assim, no final eu não tava querendo tocar nesse jogo nunca mais. PORÉM, eu planejo jogar o resto dos classicvanias sim, e talvez isso seja necessário para eu apreciar verdadeiramente esse jogo. eu sei que os mais velhos podem ser mais desafiadores e com mais bullshit q esse, mas contanto que eles sejam mais compactos, eu consigo plenamente tolerar eles

Que jogo pilantra e com uma dificuldade artificial desgraçada só pra prolongar porque é curto demais, mas é muito bom ainda sim, tudo nele é bem sólido e com algumas tentativas você consegue masterizar bem e vai embora.


I had no idea what Classicvania was gonna play like going in, but this did not disappoint. It's a bit bullshit but not bullshit enough for me to not have fun with it. It honestly felt so rewarding when I'd die over and over to a stage, and by the 7th attempt, I've downloaded the entire thing into my brain, doing everything hitless, and then absolutely demolishing the boss at the end.

With the upcoming new series of Netflix's Castlevania: Nocturne coming next month I figured now was a good time to finally play Rondo of Blood as it's based around it and it's one of the few games in the series I have yet to get to. Considering the first game I played was Symphony of the Night which is linked to Rondo so strongly this has been long in line for a correction.

The first thing that really hit me playing through this is the soundtrack. Being originally released on the TurboGrafix-CD really allowed for higher quality sound over previous games in the series and it really shows. There are classic versions of Vampire Killer and Bloody Tears in an almost rock funk version mixed with a load of unique tracks and almost all of them are fantastic. In addition to it's great audio I think this is one of the best looking Classicvania games to boot. The opening scene of Richter Belmont riding a cart through the rain after a sequence with a man speaking German for the opening set up is so amazingly atmospheric still considering the game is 30 years old at this point. The game makes use of a lot of in game almost anime cinematics for certain story scenes or when hidden characters are rescued. It's a shame the English voice acting is so painful to listen to but that almost gives it it's own retro charm.

It's a shame then that Rondo of Blood comes with the same weaknesses as all the games before it feeling stiff to control, with cheap enemy placements. Take the last section of Stage 5 on the alternate route for example. You have to jump or kill medusa heads while getting past spears being thrust from above on platforms that if you jump onto will spin to throw you into the water for an instant death. Now not every level is like this but it almost has a punishing design like it's an arcade game trying to take your money which just seems needlessly difficult for no reason. You can unlock a secondary character Maria Renard who controls in a much smoother manner and is generally seen as easier to use with a double jump, slide and ranged attacks making her have better utility than Richter which for my old man reactions I appreciated. Even using Maria however this game is no cake walk without practice. Having said all that though by the time I was on my second playthrough I could no damage a lot of the bosses as I'd learned learned their attack patterns on my first load of attempts.

That aside though I can't really fault the game much. There are two routes to take with new areas and bosses, tons of secret locations and hidden goodies to find and the game looks and sounds fantastic. It's not quite my favorite Classicvania game but it's pretty high up there as an overall package.

+ Great visual and art design.
+ Kick ass soundtrack.
+ Some decent replay value with different routes, two playable characters and secrets.

- Some of the level and enemy placement are cheap and needlessly frustrating.

Total Score: 7.33

• Ingenuity: 5
• Visuals: 8
• Sound: 10
• Replay value: X
• Gameplay: 6
• Plot: X
• Characters: X
• Polished: 7
• Enjoyment: 8

I had never playied castlevania before, and what a good option to start with this one. You can feel it is old and plunky specially when playing with Richter but besides that, it's an incredible game awesome ost level design (some times) and some really cool boss fights

Thank god that Maria is a playable character.

Apesar de ter achado ele legitimamente injusto em alguns momentos, eu gostei comicamente demais do jogo.

this game kicks so much ass. the soundtrack is an all time banger, and the monster and level designer is great. its also brutally difficult, but there is a huge satisfaction in mastering a level and beating the bosses with minimal damage after retrying for ages.
richter is an awesome protag, but i really appreciate the inclusion of maria, as her double jump and sub weapons make this game a lot more doable haha. really liked this one, give it a shot! completed on the castlevania requiem collection in ps4

Oh god I haven't played anything in a week...all I remember is something about Peter Griffin and...cranking 90s? Anyway, this game is great, music is gas and it looks good. Plays like normal castlevania, and while it has a little bit of that usual bs, it's bareable enough for me to get through. Probably the easiest of these games I've played.

Algunas zonas estan echas para que mueras mucho y el sistema de vidas que te obligan a repetir el nivel entero es lo peor del juego. Dejando eso de lado es un buen Castlevania acompañado de una muy buena banda sonora.

This review contains spoilers

First time playing RoB and my first Castlevania game. I was not enjoying it when it first started. The controls felt to stif, you commited early to your movements and your jumps. However after the Minotaur bossfight I felt that everything just clicked. You learn the enemy positions, you learn the boss attacks and how to avoid them. You don't have to use Maria, but after replaying some normal-path stages with her, she makes the game much easier. The soundtrack is awsomeand I loved the backgrounds and the art-style. It shows its age, mainly through the controls, but if you push through some rough first stages, I believe you can enjoy a very beautiful and enjoyable game.

makes you FEEL like flipping off dracula

I don't know how to feel about this game man. the enemy placement is weird. Maria plays way better than Richter. Multiple routes are cool. Soundtrack is a banger, Castlevania music always slaps. Bosses piss me off.