Reviews from

in the past

Very competent stealth game, but despite being only about 3 hours long, it's a bit repetitive and teeters on being a bit obnoxiously punishing. A few okay minigames also spice up the experience. The atmosphere and soundtrack is great though, but there's not much replayability and you'll pretty much feel done with it once it's over. Worth a curiosity check but not worth paying much for.

Ta ai um jogo que quando era criança não conseguia passar da primeira fase kkkkk enfim para nos velhos é um jogo bem simples e fácil, conta trechos do primeiro filme durante os "filminhos" do game, o jogo é bem curto com um duração de 2h e pouco no máximo. Bons tempos de ps1

incrível como todo mundo tem medo dos cachorros dessa porra

Tive tendinite jogando essa bosta

I remember this game being so hard for no reason

why is avoiding the dogs in this game more intense than a gta 5 star police chase

The quality you'd expect from an uninspired movie tie-in.

This is like a computer virus but it is only that the shitty whistling song slowly haunts your brain into a fog.

camera is bad, game play is meh and dogs are for terrifying dont get why but ive played horror games not as scary as those dogs

The proximity to metal gear is pretty amusing, but even for a joke I cannot abide by this camera for more than an hour of my life.

os minigames eram do demônio