Reviews from

in the past

Just closing the window one minute in, relaunching it and seeing its skeleton was pretty funny

My buddy had a avegered life span of 10 minutes, poor fella died in a crash while I was checking how much food the game could handle without crashing. Turn outs that's a lot but I imagined more. Wierd game overall.

I don't know why I keep writing this review.

I should go to sleep.

this is the only daniel mullins game i will ever play

i quited,i quited the game,im sorry lil guy

Me salí inmediatamente después de lo que dijo el BitBuddy, pensando que todo era una metabroma ehhhh 10/10 los mejores 20 segundos de mi vida.

Goofy, funny little 10 minute long experience, that is fun for what it lasts. Good enough.

Overall: 6/10