Reviews from

in the past

De aquí viene Tyxy. 5 estrellas me cambió la vida

This often feels nearly identical to MarioKart: super circuit, however with less polish overall. The in game visuals and controls are extremely similar, however the game has a bit of a problem with its item variety, which is very limited. There is an "adventure mode" which would be cool if that meant anything more than a hub world with no story that really doesn't serve much purpose. Aside from that you just have basic arcade style races to participate in over and over. Crash nitro kart can be fun, but i really would just recommend playing Mariokart: super circuit instead.

isso me tras uma nostalgia eterna

Sanırım GBA'de ki en iyi kart racing oyunu? Yine de büyük konuşmamak lazım, bir port yapıma göre bayağı iyi bence, kontroller iyi, karakter çeşitliliği bol, hikaye modu var ve haritalar da gayet çeşitli. Ne diyebilirim ki? Özellikle ana Nitro Kart'ta bulunan sorunlar bu yapımda yok.

In comparison to the console version of Nitro Kart, the GBA version is far and away the better game.

Mario Kart: Super Circuit has the better track variety, but this game beats it in terms of fun because it adapts CTR's superior racing mechanics for the platform remarkably well. The sense of speed is far more prevalent than CNK, and the controls are tight as hell, compared to the console version where you felt like you were driving in oil constantly and you had to fight to have any sense of speed not feel artificial.

The successful adaptation of those mechanics, coupled with the fully-featured adventure mode that made CTR so great, make this the best version of CNK and one of the best racing games on the Game Boy Advance, if not the best. Not a very high bar there, but this game is genuinely awesome and worth playing regardless.

Pro tip: Acceleration is a useless stat in this game because you can get to your top speed from a single mini-turbo after moving for a very brief period. Always prioritize speed and turning!

I almost got kidnapped while I was about to beat this game, true story.

Literally the first game I ever played so it has a special place in my heart for that.

Runs incredibly smoothly and captures some of the charm of the console counterpart, but it lacks various features (partially due to the limitations of the hardware) and in turn creeps into a fairly generic GBA kart racer territory. Worth a check, not really worth beating though.

You see a tiny hole in the stage, ride through it and unlock a new character. I think that's pretty cool.

Unfortunately outshined by the better-known Mario Kart: Super Circuit.

13 years out from F-Zero and they still couldn't figure this shit out

it's even more boring than the real home console game, wow

Primeiro jogo de kart com esse pseudo-3D (estilo Mode7) que acho agradável de jogar, porém o drift boost não funciona direito.

I've seen people praise this game; calling it the best racing game in the system and an amazing conversion of the console version.

It... just isn't. Sure it has an adventure mode and more characters than the gba mario kart, but if we compare those games mario kart is just better; it has better graphics, better presentation, better music and better controls.

The controls are what killed the game for me. Sure the console version is kinda sluggish feeling but you can still chain drift boosts to keep your speed and momentum going. This game does have drift boost but wow it feels awful. In ctr and cnk you drift boost using the bumpers (r1 and l1); you start the powerslide by pressing one of the two buttons and then you press the other with the correct timing. In gba cnk you initiate the powerslide with R then to boost YOU PRESS A, yes that's right you have to let go of the accelerate button then time it right to get the boost. I kind of got used to the awful control scheme, but even then the courses are not clear enough to commit to the powerslides, they look terrible and don't have any indicator, unlike gba mario kart.

Mario kart super circuit isn't even the best gba racing game, that title goes to one of the fzero games on the console.

(Copy pasted from a Twitter post I made in November 2022)
Pretty fun stuff all around, dare i say it's the best kart racer on the system. Granted the only other examples I've played are Mario Kart and Digimon Racing, but still.