Reviews from

in the past

Nunca llegué a entrar en el flow de locura, presión y demás. No me gustan los juegos con muerte permanente

Top dungeon crawler game. Narration was phenomenal and the overall atmosphere of this game is the strongest selling point.

Its fun but i don't feel to finish it

mi è piaciuto molto, soprattutto dare i nomi alla gente. Con le mod è tutta un'altra cosa

Eu cometi uma heresia: Dropei um jogo muito bom, mas eu prometo que eu vou zerar esse jogo um dia, eu só preciso de paciência, MUITA paciência pra esse jogo, ele É MUITO DIFÍCIL no começo e eu simplesmente me lasco todinho toda vez que tento jogar isso, não consigo nem ficar meio forte que já perco todo mundo do grupo e fico salgado.

i wish i could have the DD narrator narrate every single of my life choices irl

Recently got back into this, and it's got a little relearning it's taken me, but it's a great roguelike. Very grimdark, but with some silly elements that make it fun to trawl through the dungeons. Pretty difficult as well, but feels great when your machinations come together properly.

I've never recovered from the loss of my first level 5 Leper

Normally I do not replay games, and never ones this long, but for whatever reason, the idea of replaying the infamously punishing Darkest Dungeon struck my fancy, a week and a half ago, after a streamer I follow started a new playthrough of it. And yeah, I had a great time. The essential structure of it is that using a roster of characters, susceptible to permadeath and a great degree of conditions both positive and negative, you must slowly acquire power until you are ready to challenge the titular Darkest Dungeon, a cove of eldritch powers that threaten to swallow the entire world.

And before going on- damn, if those characters aren't cool! They're more "classes" than "characters", I suppose, you can have as many Crusaders and Plague Doctors as you like, but still, each of them has a really strong concept and design that's extremely memorable and interesting while still fitting the dark, low fantasy feeling (Except for the Arbalest, sorry. You've got a poet fallen king wielding a broken executioner's sword and a terse, faceless bounty hunter who pulls you in with a hook, marks you and then scores a crit for 50 damage, "woman with a crossbow" doesn't really do it). All of them also boast a great level of mechanical depth and opportunity for expression.

Take the Crusader, for example, one of your two starting heroes. At first, you'll look at him and deduce that he's a fairly standard tank- hits hard with his sword, takes hits well in return. And that seems to be true, until you unlock characters like the Leper or the Hellion, who can deal way more damage, completely obsoleting good old Reynauld in that field. And yet, it is at that point that you may realize that he packs healing magic, however weak. He's not going to keep up with the Vestal, the designated white mage, but he doesn't need to. Healing when a fight is nearly over helps you last a lot longer throughout a long dungeon, and doing so to take a character off Death's Door (characters can only die at 0 hp) is invaluable. He can also heal off stress, which no other character can do both of. He can also stun enemies, so perhaps he is to be more of a support tank of sorts? Sure, but he doesn't even need to be in the frontline! He has an attack, Holy Lance, that only works in the back but is as powerful as his main one and can target squishier enemies in the back ranks. So what looked like a big bag of HP and damage turns out to be able to fill just about any role in any spot of the party, from tank to control to support to sniper, to the point that once I actually ran a Crusader / Crusader / Crusader / Leper formation against a certain boss, and it worked! All (well, most) of the characters boast this level of complexity, and it allows the gameplay to hold up tremendously well throughout DD's significant runtime.

If Darkest Dungeon has flaws, they do lie in its pacing. Not only are there few interesting things that can happen outside of the dungeon crawling, nothing you can achieve outside of the Darkest Dungeon itself (which you will likely never be setting foot in until near the end of the game) really advances things besides granting you more gold, resources and hero levels, which makes every expedition feel like it matters less than it actually does. Of note are the various bosses, which are a group of very mechanically varied and mostly very well thought-out fights, but unlock very little for you besides the ability to fight harder versions of them, eventually for the prize of a unique trinket at the hardest versions. The game gets much harder at high levels (In this playthrough I had 3 deaths before getting into the highest level dungeons, and then 5 in the much shorter period afterwards, disregarding DD expeditions which meted out something like 7 deaths on their own) and losing a high level hero is very scary, so taking those on doesn't really feel worth it, which is a shame because taking them down is very fun. The game is a lot more merciful than people realize- there's no permanent lose state outside of the hard mode, survivors of the Darkest Dungeon grant exp bonuses to heroes they venture together with and you can unlock the ability to recruit mid level heroes from the get go- but it does still feel like playing things very very safe is the best way to do it, and that takes some of the fun away.

All of this is good and all but Darkest Dungeon also excels in presentation, which I haven't really mentioned up until now. The artstyle is clearly a bit budget but it works damn well, with a sort of comic-booky vibe that manages to feel serious and effective despite the chibi proportions, extremely punchy attacks sprites and some of the best sound design I've ever heard. Everything sounds great, from enemy attacks to UI sounds to lighting a torch to the ambiance in the background of every stage. That, in particular, is very impressive, sounding muted and restrained when the light is bright, but breaking into complete madness if it ever goes too down. All of this is tied together by the Ancestor, the gloomy, uncaring narrator who always has so much to say in regards to both your victories and failures. He's well written and splendidly voiced, to the point that it's a pleasure to hear even his most common lines, no matter the repetition.

So yeah, Darkest Dungeon, excellent game in my opinion. Hurts just a bit to see mostly negative top reviews, but it is what it is. Before ending this I wanna quickly say a few things. First off, I had no DLCs on in this playthrough. Secondly, I think the idea of this game being RNG-driven is entirely wrong, I can recount exactly one instance in my entire playthrough where a character death felt truly bullshit (in the longest and hardest mission in the game, admittedly), which did suck but once in 50 hours does not ruin a game. The game hinges on RNG in the same way that many other tactical games do, there's plenty of systems in place to always give you a chance if you play well, and a failure to prepare for (reasonable levels of) it is a failure to match the game's expectations. Lastly, the game's storyline is something I have mixed feelings on. The atmosphere and sheer writing are great, but Darkest Dungeon is very light on overarching plot, and the big reveals at the end fall more in the "oh, cool" spectrum for me, than the "oh my god" one, though I think it does manage to fit the game's themes without feeling like a kick in the nuts. To quote the man himself, a trifling victory, but a victory, nonetheless.

I keep this game in a special place in my heart despite how frustrating it is at times. A lot of elements make this game great to me: the team composition building, using supplies to be ready for anything a procedurally generated dungeon throws at you, and the extremely quotable narrator. Although I do feel as if this game is just plain unfair at times with a run often being screwed over because you are at the mercy of RNG, even if you use buffs and debuffs to manipulate stats. Regardless, I’m a big fan of this game and the sequel as well.

thank you game, now i need to start all over again

Frustrante, mas nunca esqueça:
"Overconfidence is a slow and insiduos killer"

Todavía no me lo he pasado, pero no me hace falta para asegurar que es un gran juego. El estilo artístico es precioso y además encaja perfectamente con la temática del juego. Las mecánicas al principio son bastante complicadas, pero cuando las entiendes ves el juego con otros ojos, aunque no le quita dificultad porque el RNG está muy presente en el juego. Recomiendo no encariñarse con los personajes, que en cualquier momento mueren y te toca reclutar otros.

A brutally hard and stress inducing game. I "enjoyed" my time with it, but probably won't be finishing it any time soon, if ever.

I played the game ages ago when I was in higschool, so I dont have it fresh, and neither did i finish it, but I can absolutely remember how cruel, creepy and iconic it was! soo I really recommend it if you are into that!

Decent game at first, then it just gets to the point where it's not fun any longer. The RNG doesn't seem so random, and you really get the short end of the stick a vast majority of the time. Whether you are getting critted constantly, getting a lopsided amount of negatives added to your character at the end of each run, or encountering an enemy that can just attack your entire party in one turn (and placing your entire team on death's door), the game is just too frustrating to enjoy for me personally. I don't mind when games are difficult, but when the difficulty is increased exponentially by the computer getting "lucky" way too often on what is supposed to be "random" rolls, it's takes the joy out of the game.

Doing well is less of a rewarding experience and more of a relief that you're done. Every step forward in this game has the potential to send you four steps back and it's just a grating experience.

I REALLY wanted to like this game. I cotinued playing hoping that it would get better or maybe I just needed a different strategy... but rebuilding to replace characters that you lost due to completely random chance is beyond frustrating and I just had to give up eventually. Again, totally fine with getting my ass kicked, as long as it's my own fault. Just not the case here.

This game was brutal and punishing. I really wanted to give this game 4 stars, but having multiple party wipes in the final missions of the game after spending dozens of hours building up a roster was incredibly demoralizing. I ended up googling guides for the final missions because I was so averse to the thought of losing more party members and having to fully remake a roster. And on that note, the gameplay, while fun at first when you're still seeing new enemy types and experimenting with different party compositions, quickly became incredibly grindy and more of a chore than anything.

But on the same token though, the game was in fact very fun in the beginning. The alure of honing in on and perfecting your idea of the ideal party composition and build amidst the adversity and hardship that the game so proudly touts and shoves in your face was satisfying enough to make me want to see this game to its end. The art style was a treat, the narrator was charming, and the game nailed the atmosphere it was going for, grim and foreboding.

After my fourth party wipe in the last few levels and losing over half my roster, I was on the verge of just dropping the game completely, but I'm glad I saw it through. Expect an engaging, but grindy experience that has the potential to destroy your resolve.

This game really takes it out of you. Putting it down and coming back (legit a year later) after horrible RNG did at least feel fresh, with the gameplay being deep enough to carry completing all the caretaker goals.

The art and story and music and narration is really amazing. I understand it's meant to be a "hard" game, but a lot of it's difficulty comes down to true random chance, making some parts frustrating.

It's really dependent on if a person can withstand such inconveniences that makes it hard to recommend generally.

Ótimo Dungeon Crawler, com certeza os mods dão uma sobrevida ao jogo

Ruin has come to our family

Muito divertido! Um RPG de turnos que exige estratégia, o game e impiedoso com você e seus erros, então esteja preparado!

interesting team management mechanics, but it felt really soulless and empty after a few of the quests. some mechanics of the game were more annoying than difficult

Tive preguiça de terminar, mas é mto bom

A fascinating masterwork of design, where every step toward your final goal is precarious and paved with tragedy. Uses frustration and friction to its advantage and challenges the player to overcome ever-worsening odds. It’s all in service of a really incredible narrative, too.

nunca he rezado tanto a los dioses, nunca me he cagado tanto en la puta y nunca había querido reventarle la cabeza al creador de un videojuego tanto
Dicho esto lo recomiendo muchísimo, lo recomiendo incluso si no eres fan de juegos de turnos

Me gusta que el dado en mi cabeza suene y de un putisimo critico cuando no habia apenas posibilidades

Un vivo entra, un muerto sale.