Reviews from

in the past

lo jugue con mis sobrinos pequeños y dios mio, hasta ellos se aburrieron de los somnifero que es

Péssimos controles e extremamente desafiador de fazer uma fase 100% pra um jogo supostamente infantil.

Não aguentei muito e larguei, pelo menos é de graça.

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A fun game surprisingly. Played it for a quick game to try out and get achievements on, and generally enjoyed it. But a pretty shallow, basic game.

Medal System
broken medal - 0.5 or 1 star - technical disaster or bad design
bronze medal - 1.5 or 2 star or 2.5 star - the games not for me/below average
silver medal - 3 star or 3.5 star - doing well
golden medal - 4 star - above average games
plation medal - 4.5 star - might've masterpiece but somethings missing
diamond medal - 5 star - The Masterpiece or just special for me
---> Games Medal: Broken medal
---> My Game time: 2h 37m (%100)

Curioso encontrarse un juego de móviles mediocre entre el catálogo del plus.

This game works and I didn't experience any game breaking bugs or glitches, but for only a 3-4 hour game, it sure does get extremely tedious and repetitive after 3 levels. Also pro tip, avoid playing as Krypto at all costs. He sucks ass. His attacks feel like they do half the damage of Ace's and also his special attack doesn't come close to being as good as Ace's either. The games UI is also set up and looks like a free 2 play mobile game. If I didn't know any better they could have just made this a Subway Surfers style endless runner. The final boss is also the easiest of the 3 bosses in the game, and the worst part is that when you beat the game you don't even get credits. You just a text cutscene and then sent back to the map screen! You have to go into the options and choose to watch the credits manually. If you're looking for a quick and dirty platinum, I guess this is fine, but aside from that, unless you really want to throw yourself into the licensed game slop like me, I would recommend staying away from this game.

gra dla dzieci, nw po co w to gralem nie jestem target audience ale nawet jak na gre dla dzieci to wydaje sie byc slaba taki slaby shoot them all, sine mora na telefon dla dzieci no ale pieski byly fajne osiagniecia takie o, nic specjalnego

I am clearly not the intended audience. Still beat it anyway.

I had fun with this on Game Pass. It kind of reminded me a bit of early 2000's internet based games. Also, Star Fox, but good.

Best game if you want to fall asleep

Baby's first on rails shooter
I tried playing it for the bit since it was on game pass but got too bored to dedicate

It's better than My Friend Peppa at least