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in the past

An ambitious game made on a shoestring budget. It's a pretty interesting game that actually does manage to pull off some of the bigger things it's trying to do. It also has a legit pretty good story twist and Francis York Morgan is an all-timer protagonist.

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Más allá de su imagen de homenaje a Twin Peaks y su ambiente y personajes enrarecidos, la parte más importante de Deadly Premonition y que diría que se toma especialmente en serio, es la situación límite a la que te va a hacer llegar... tarde. Al igual que lo tarde que llegó el padre de York para salvar a su mujer, y su terrible momento de flaqueza en esa circunstancia tan adversa que solo empeoró las cosas.
Realmente es un juego que cuenta una historia sobre pérdidas y fracasos casi constantes, pero solo uno concierne personalmente a nuestro protagonista, y por eso está hecho para que a nosotros nos duela más.

Pero a pesar de ello York resuelve el caso. Es realmente un caso maldito, porque un detective puede llegar al final de éste y no poder cerrarlo. Xander, el padre de York, se encontró con este destino: su mujer muriendo frente a él como consecuencia, y el culpable al lado, riéndose. Además se encontraba en la tesitura de tener que matar al amor de su vida él mismo, antes de que fuera víctima de un dolor antinatural e insoportable y que la deformaría para siempre.
Sin embargo, esta situación preestablecida podría decirse que tiene una solución: la forma de resolver el caso es conseguir salir adelante en circunstancias tan adversas como esa.

Pero Xander, simplemente, nunca hubiera podido resolverlo, ni salir adelante, con tal peso sobre la conciencia. Sin embargo York... ¡tampoco puede hacerlo!
Para Xander fue su mujer; para York, la agente Emily. Aunque York no tuviera unos lazos afectivos hacia Emily tan profundos y establecidos como sí los tuvo su padre hacia su madre, eso no significa que guardaran un significado menos especial: Destruir esos lazos implicaría acabar con una fuente de amor con un potencial inmenso y profundo. Por eso se ve incapaz de matarla: es como si una parte de él le instara a sufrir más.

Emily, sin embargo, sabe que el amor es cosa de dos, y valientemente se sacrifica. No quiero entrar en detalle. Hay simbolismo de por medio pero los hechos hablan más.
Adonde quiero llegar es que esta demostración tan drástica, valiente, sin duda dolorosa pero cargada de voluntad por parte de Emily, es lo que da fuerza a York para resolver el caso.

Pienso que este es el mayor significado de Deadly Premonition. Puede que esté enrarecido por su propia forma de ser, pero es natural que ciertas verdades reluzcan al lado de simbolismos y detalles extraños. Esto lo digo ya de forma intuitiva, pero siento que ese attrezzo externo tan característico, extraño, es lo que más le conviene y lo que más ensalza sus mejores valores. Lo que hace brillar lo que quiere comunicarnos.

Si te obsesionas con el simbolismo, no apreciarás tanto la belleza de un lago de Greenvale.
Si piensas que estás viendo un símbolo de la paz invertido, no estarás viendo que en realidad es un árbol.

One of the craziest games I've ever seen. It starts off all dark and edgy but it also has this funny, self-aware vibe about the stuff it's inspired by. I've seen reviews saying it's so bad it's good but it's so much more than that. It unexpectedly hits hard once the game reaches its climax and it does get (even more) ridiculous at some point, but I think it's the games strongest bit: being chaotic af.

Does some really clever stuff in juxtaposing York/Zach's increasingly close relationship to the town against a conception of death as continued existence in a state of alienation. SWERY represents the Pacific Northwest as functionally Shinto and still manages to create the most effective portrait of the United States in the medium, in which the corrosive dreams of self-transcendence and absolute unity with the other can only be countered by a kind of boddhisattva of pop culture appreciation. Where Revengeance anticipated 2016 in some odd details, Deadly Premonition's a lot more on the nose thematically.
All of this is peripheral to the sheer charisma of York which is the sustaining quality of the game. While he's obviously modeled on Kyle McLaughlin, the Twin Peaks comparisons kind of understate the influence of The Hidden on this game, ironically suggesting that SWERY and Lynch were influenced by the same source.

O quanto aspectos técnicos afetam a experiência de um jogo? Deadly Premonition é um dos melhores exemplos possíveis para entender esse questionamento. Sim, é um jogo problemático em uma perspectiva técnica, crashes, performance instável, inúmeros bugs, e mesmo nas partes mais estáveis, não é um jogo tão bem animado, modelado ou qualquer coisa do tipo. Ainda, o jogo mira alto em uma tentativa de criar um mundo aberto imersivo, realista e verossímil, onde cada NPC tem uma rotina e interagem entre si na cidade, e muitas vezes o jogo parece não ter nem recursos para atingir o potencial máximo dessa ideia. Porém, no fim pouco importa o que poderia ter sido, quando o resultado é de uma experiência extremamente charmosa, e mesmo não atingindo a verossimilhança que parece desejar, ainda consegue ser imersivo à sua própria maneira. No fim, eu percebi que havia me apegado consideravelmente a essa unidade e me impactei bastante com sua conclusão, os aspectos técnicos problemáticos fizeram parte da minha experiência também e eu não os odeio, por incrível que pareça, é um jogo que provavelmente vai me fazer bastante falta.

Absolute piece of trash especially the ending with a shit optimization on pc, yet still love it with all my heart.

Absolute piece of trash. I love it with all my heart. Don't play it. PLEASE play it.

Terrible gameplay carried by its narrative. Still like it.

One of the worst games I have ever played... I love it. Francis York Morgan is bae and I eat a sinners sandwich whenever I can. Love that they brought in Green Day to make the soundtrack.

So much ambition that you could tell the director had a vision they put on the screen and didn't care about following industry conventions on what makes a game "good". It's refreshing.

It is a completely unfathomable piece of art, but hey, it's also immensely entertaining and composed with passion, so that's fine.

It's a bad game in almost every way, but you will have a lot of fun playing it anyway. It has a lot of weird, off-beat charm. The playable character in particular is incredibly charismatic, which makes it an easy game to like. You'll almost certainly be frustrated whenever you have to play a combat stage - but whenever anyone talks, you're in for a good time.

It's well worth playing, esecially with a friend, just so you have someone you can turn to and laugh with whenever York says something eccentric. And so that you can make them do the combat sections.

The most underrated ps3 horror game.

An absolutely wonderful game both because of and in spite of everything it is.

-Good stuff-

-Real game direction-

this may be the best thing ever but the port fuckiung sucks everything turned blasck and i couldnt fix it. never touchign it unless its on xbox i learned my lesson.

So mesmerized by it, the characters are unlike anything you've seen in other games, for one I actually look forward to the dialogue sequences. It's not bad, it was never bad.

Whether or not you like Deadly Premonition doesn’t matter. It’s completely understandable to dislike it, I’m certainly not as crazy about it as others are. The important thing is to engage with it sincerely, something you aren’t doing if you describe it as “so bad it’s good.” For all of its flaws, Deadly Premonition is a game with genuine charm created with sincerity by talented people. It is one of the most unique experiences in the video game medium, and to dismiss that by labeling it “so bad it’s good” is just lazy.

Eh, some fun was had, but ultimately it didn't keep me playing

Perfection, dont let anyone tell you any different. Its so bad, I love it

Some will tell you Deadly Premonition is an offbeat genius masterpiece with a great story, some will tell you it's basically a "so bad it's good" game. It unquestionably contains elements of both, but what makes the game special and an absolute must-play is where those two modes intersect and muddy each other; the patently awful gameplay is funny in a way that's simultaneously clearly unintentional but also clearly intentional. A lot of genuinely smart design elements (see: long, boring car rides) are wrongly dismissed as unnecessary padding because of how clearly unfinished so much of the game is. Best played with friends, but you'll find yourself spending as much time discussing how great the ending (unironically) was as you do laughing at the game's comedy (intentional or otherwise).

E no não era o Zach e o xerife cowboy virou mesmo body builder

the deadliest premonition of all is realizing that Richard Donner’s Superman actually fucking sucks

what a fucking weird, wonderful little thing this game is. absolute one of a kind experience, and strangely beautiful in its own little ways. so funny, whether intentionally or not. something this broken and bad should not work but it does. it has a genuinely impactful, tragic story, quirky and interesting characters, and a kind of jackson-pollock level vomit of influences that somehow make a fine work of art. needleesly mechanically intricate, too. lots of systems that don't really need to be there but i'm so glad they are. full of little details that make me cream and are so rewarding to hunt out, and some are practically essential to understanding certain characters and unfortunately may go completely unnoticed. it does kinda play like shit in the RE4 ripoff sections and the run from the raincoat killer bits blow hard. but everything else about it is so unique, so strange and so one of a kind that you should absolutely check it out.

My alphabet soup told me to leave this review. The words spelt out “Good game game cool.”

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i really enjoy that you somehow use the dead serial killer's radio to have his ghost teleport you around the town

i want to finish it so bad but the game freezes somewhere in chapter 2 and i couldnt find a solution anywhere in the whole fkn internet.
after the help of user:dirtycutfreak , i was able to finish this PEAK even though it crashed like 60 times while i was playing. with a good port, i think it could even be 10/10 but with that shitty ass port it is almost unplayable on pc if you dont give up playing after constant crashes. if you think you can handle it, go ahead and play it because its KINO AS FUCK.