Reviews from

in the past

El mejor juego de ritmo que hay y que jamás habrá. Precioso.

made me cry, beauiful music and art~ <3

butterfly effect: anima -> 7 year long roleplay /ij

I do not know how much time I have in this game. The gameplay is fun and challenging. The music is so good and really is very enjoyable to listen to. The instruments blend so beautifully with each other and really do hope Deemo 2 appears on the switch one day. I've beaten the whole story and now I just go back to my favorite songs and find new ones to enjoy every once in a while.

the pinnacle of mobile gaming by a landslide
gorgeous and incredibly fun to play

Such a fun game to play, one of my favorite rhythm games ever with the most incredible music and osts

how to make a newborn little girl cry

Very fun rhythm game, plenty of memorable tracks.

Good at first, but gets boring

Peak rhythm game storytelling and immaculate aesthetic. Also you get to play like 20 Mili songs :3c