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in the past

Tiene su encanto, pero siento que tirar demasiado de la historia de discriminación hacia las personas negras hace que no termine de ser una historia sobre androides. Todo te grita en la cara sobre esos eventos, y aunque puntualmente está bien, acaba sobresaliendo más que el tema androides

mds eu so fiz escolha errada o jogo terminou uma bosta

meu jogo "narrativo" favorito

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Hank amirimin arkadaşları var onu kollayanlar var benim kimsem yok tamammı cinayet ben oldum cinayet tamammı haaa

Detroit é um jogo de escolhas que determinam sua trajetória e sucesso ao longo da jornada. Vale muito a pena jogar ele!

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I found this game to be very disappointing. The game hooked me with its impressive first mission in its demo, and I played THE FUCK out of it. I grinded out every outcome and branch of its flowchart and found the game to be conceptually amazing. Unfortunately, the game never reached this height for me again (The ending and a couple of Markus' missions got CLOSE, and were definitely highlights, but it never really got there). I think the problem with this game is the super on-the-nose historical plagiarism, which makes me not take a single thing in it seriously, no matter how much it tries. Even looking at this game as a casual audience, you start to notice how forced some of its commentary is and how dumb some of it starts to look. I thought the Kara storyline would be effective due to the way it set up its abusive household subplot. It felt like that's what the focus of the whole thing should've been. However, it reaches its climax almost immediately and then turns into some on-the-run, android child nonsense. The Zlatko mission of this game is one of the worst written missions in the game. The game randomly transitions to Kara and Alice going to an android haven that wasn't mentioned at all previously, only for a certain outcome to cause Kara to lose her memory, only for her to regain it somehow, and then rescuing Alice? The game, despite the amount of options it gives you, doesn't write the game to fit your narrative properly unless you do what it wants, completely ruining the point of the game and turning itself into a QTE nightmare you can't wake up from. Some missions are incredible and others are like Zlatko. Kara's storyline after the first couple chapters only serves to bog down the pacing and give you an extremely cliched story to go along with it. I could guess the plot twist with Alice about halfway through.

Markus, on the other hand, has a decent story and awesome setpieces, paired with some of the most shoehorned commentary on minorities I have ever seen. The BLM logo and "Android Lives Matter" as possible mottos for the android movement during the march segment? Really, David Cage? It really does feel like a plot written by a very out-of-touch racist (which he is). This game has ZERO NUANCE. AT ALL. Going back to the Kara segment. We have to write an abusive dad? How many cliches can we fit into one archetype? Let's see, estranged wife? Drug use? Using a belt? Y'know what, fuck it, THROW IT ALL IN THERE. We want the androids to be an analogy for minorities in America. Y'know what we should do? HAVE THEM SING A SLAVE SONG AT THE END OF THE GAME. It's SOOOOOO FORCED.

The only redeeming quality of this entire game is Connor. His arc and relationship with Hank is well-written. However, even his parts are not without flaws. Who or what the fuck was RA-9? We spend the ENTIRE GAME looking for this messiah and he never shows up. And no, IT'S NOT MARKUS. We'd been hunting this guy before he even discovered Jericho, let alone when he became their leader. We never get an answer and only one very specific ending leads us to believe it might've been the android creator we'd met earlier, but even that implication was vague. His storyline also can't save the abysmal pacing of the game, and sometimes even contributes to it because Quantic Dream just didn't know how to structure it.

The only reason this game still gets an okay rating from me is because it still does have its moments at times, and because I have never seen this much of choice, options, and outcomes in a choice game ever. It's A LOT. So credit where credit is due. The bottom line is that there is a lot to see and explore in this game, but not a lot of it is great.

Não sou o maior fã de jogo de escolha, acho que vale terminar ele.

Listen I like this game mostly because Connor and hank

JOGÃO DEMAIS, quase que um filme, simplesmente cinema!

Esse jogo é quase que um filme onde vc está tomando as decisões e agindo no lugar dos protagonistas, e trilhando o seu caminho na história.

O visual e os gráficos do game são impecáveis, quase um RDR2 (quase).

O game design é muito bom também, não fiquei sofrendo pra passar de nenhuma parte no jogo.

E a trilha sonora é foda demais, principalmente as músicas que tocam quando vc está controlando o Connor. Tiro meu chapéu pros compositores, inclusive no próprio jogo tem uma área no menu dedicada aos making offs do game, recomendo demais, depois de zerar o jogo, dar uma olhada la, tem muita coisa legal!

Vale a pena demais a experiência!

Where can I pick "YouTube" as a platform?

Connor's story with Mr. Krabs was alright.

Visualmente muy top y una historia muy entretenida en la que vemos los diferentes puntos de vistas de los protagonistas y como tratan el tema de las inteligencias artificiales, el libre albedrio, la esclavitud.

soooo close to saying anything.. but it completely fumbles the bag
At least Conner and Hank made this worth it

Fiz escolhas relativamente boas até, gostei muito do jogo...
O jogo tem uma jogabilidade bem interativa, também faz com que o player sinta o peso de cada escolha sendo ela certa ou errada...

A construção de personagem é bem trabalhada e realmente conecta o jogador aos personagens.
Apesar disso eu ainda melhoraria um pouco o final apesar de ser bem forte...

Its easy to dunk on David Cage games because theyre bad.
This is no exception.

I will say i find interesting games better than well made games, and theres a lot of interesting ideas here that warrant someone with more finesse than Mr Cage.

gains half a point for a wonderful performance from great actors, but beyond that its entirely skippable. Not only Cages worst, but possibly the worst within the genre

Connor was definitely the best part of this game, But the entire story was great and peak and Getting having a lot of endings is also awesome

Um jogo bem legal, chato no começo mas por volta do meio do jogo começa a se pagar, não gostei do meio da história do Markus o que me fez dropar o jogo uma vez mas decidi dar mais uma chance e valeu a pena, história muito boa e com plot twists interessantes já a gameplay que não é muito boa por ser um jogo de história se provava nos quick times events e fazia um momento divertido

connor and hank have my heart hearting oh my god i love them so bad

maturing is realizing that this game sucks ass, I just like Connor and Hank


I have never related to a videogame character more than Connor: The Android sent by Cyberlife. He is such a Cutie Patootie.

É um dos exclusivos de sua época mais marcante no monópolio de bons jogos criado pela sony, um dos melhores de escolha (diria que, quando se diz jogo de ESCOLHA, é o melhor que tem). a ideia é ótima e com um universo interessante e com um assunto que com certeza será discutido em um futuro. Também é legal de citar que, quando vi meu mano LEO CAIROCA jogar isso, ele resolveu manter o que os personagens fariam e não o que ele queria em si, eu achei isso tão interessante que acabei levando para qualquer jogo que seja possível escolher, jogo tudo dentro do roleplay que nem um bom nerd.

a revolução da máquina q deu certo

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This game ain't it bruh. Heavy Rain is still Quantic dreams best.

First the pros, this game does have great graphics for its age, and a cool system where you can see how complicated the possible paths would get after completing a chapter, but that's basically it.

I didn't click with most of the characters and actually disliked most of them. Hank and Connors story was definitely the best but it's a very basic buddy cop story, their acting is what carried it. Hanks character I did like a lot actually, he is a common arc type of the has been cop but again it was the performance that won me over not so much the character itself.

The game actually has a very strong first hour, hour and a half. Marcus' story was interesting, seeing him help that cool liberal oldie and question art but goes completely downhill after escaping the junkyard, Kara's as well with trying to take care of a little girl while also appeasing an abusive addict owner but falls off after her escape where she finds the house with the friendly black giant and pedo. The game's intro with Kara getting a ride home for the first time and seeing the new rainy Detroit accompanied by relaxing piano music I found absolutely incredible and felt like an original movie. But this is where most of the originality ends as many ideas are taken straight from other movies that do it much better, like how the first Connor-Hank investigation is a copy of the opening to Se7en, the pedo experimenting on androids who then revolt against him is literally Sid's arc from Toy Story, the big black guy being a friendly giant with a big heart is The Green Mile, the scene where Hank needs to find out who the real Connor is when there's a replica of him then asks something only the real Connor would know has been in every cartoon/kids movie I've ever seen. It's okay to take inspiration from things but this is laughably way too similar.

Not once did I care about the androids or felt that they were alive, they would constantly chant that they're alive and deserve freedom but I never once was shown why and rather found them dislikeable. The plot twist with the little girl being an android was a joke, they could've shown that an android can care for another human but instead they showed an android "loving" another android which was shown multiple times throughout the game although not deeply just "wow look they're holding hands that means they're in love haha". The dialogue isn't real it was AI generated, not even a robot convinced me its a robot, every single characters calls the girl Kara looks after "little one" which reminds you that all the characters were written by the exact same hack, David Cage. This game made me hate androids. Long live the human race.

Game Is Really Good Had So much fun Playing As Connor and Egyptian Voice Over Made The Game A lot Better

Good story, obvious symbolism...Alright gameplay, pretty interactive

A great story with decisions that are actually impactful.