Reviews from

in the past

Some actual genius shit. So much love and autism poured into this one

most addictive game of all time

Highly addictive puzzle game. 99.5% pure distilled gameplay in a grimy industrial package. A little too pure for me, though.

I really love this game! I found myself playing this game for like 11-12 hours on the weekend. Like I would be playing this game with a friend and I'm like, "oh, it's 5am." Glad I picked it up because I haven't found myself this lost in game in years.

Few games are time machines. Factorio is one. The factory must grow but at the cost of your real life hours.

The first time I played this game was maybe the fastest 6 hours I’ve ever wasted in my life

Do NOT play this game if you value having a sleep schedule and also a life outside of running around your factory trying to find out why you have millions of gallons of light oil and where all your green circuits went. Spoiler: both problems are somehow because you don't have enough iron. You NEVER have enough iron.

9/10. A beautiful allegory for addiction

definitely a 4.5 or a 5 if i could actually fucking play this game with any proficiency but these aliens keep tearing down my oil rig. terrible

have only ever played on multiplayer and its a great way to chill for hours with besties

So god damn complicated, but that's a good thing, when my brain is ready for it I can tell I'll probably get hundreds of hours of enjoyment out of it, and that's not even accounting for mods.

For the average non rick and morty fan though it's hard to recommend, maybe with a friend who's seen all 7 seasons they might be able to guide you through, but otherwise it's tough to recommend.

Definetly not a bad product though don't get that twisted, art's great, solid game, no real story? more like a motivation to continue playing and an end goal but that's no points off in my eyes. If it clicks with you, this game's probably a god-send.

From manual ore mining and smelting to fully automated space exploration, the way player agency interacts with Factorio's robust systems creates an understanding of progress as a force of nature. As the game locks the player in cycles upon cycles of expansion and recoil - as automation breeds pollution that breeds bitters that require military advances that require automation - progress emerges less out of a player's desire to try new things and more out of sheer economic necessity. The factory, a being whose will is defined by the game's ravenous and wonderful economy, slowly unravels throughout a playthrough, supplying the demands needed to keep the player constantly on the edge of their seat, as well as playing all the way through the night if they're not careful.

Seeing my pollution clouds grow as I slowly drain the entire planet of its resources makes me feel a deep dread. I took a flight a couple days after I had first finished researching logistic bots. The past weeks had been hotter than I remembered them being last year, and the last months much hotter than I remembered them being when I was a kid. I looked through the window as the plane took to the sky and I saw roads and houses and factories expanding far beyond the horizon. I think Factorio is incredibly good.

I've been playing it for approximately 1 year, every Saturday morning, always improving something in the factory. The train helps a lot with automation. The problem is looking for where there are resoucers...

It's called Cracktorio amongst those who play the game regularly for a reason. Factorio is the very definition of the "just one more thing" game. I've seen the sun come up too many times after long sessions, not realizing how late (or early) it was. An endless way to reorganize and optimize, you can spend hours building the perfect factory. You get another item on the tech tree, realize you get to change up and add more to the factory, and the loop keeps going. It's THE automation game, and one of my favorite games of all time.

Tá maluco. Esse jogo é pior que crack. Joguei uma vez na minha vida, com um amigo meu. Pensei assim: "vou jogar um pouquinho só, tenho prova amanhã. Vou ver qual é a desse jogo aqui."

Passaram treze horas.

Fui dormir pensando em como otimizar a minha fábrica. Eu SONHEI com a minha fábrica. Eu não sabia nem que eu conseguia ficar tanto tempo sentado na frente do computador.

Dito isso, desinstalei o jogo no dia seguinte, porque eu tinha uma vida para viver. Mas é um jogo excelente. Algum dia, quando eu não tiver nada a perder, baixo Factorio novamente.

The factory grows even more

Eğlenceli ve akıcı süper bir fabrikasyon oyunu ilk oynadığım aksam düşünmekten başıma ağrı girmişti

The best factory game I have ever played. Trying other games in the similar genre none of them feel remotely as polished. The only game that got me falling asleep thinking about how to improve the factory and dreaming about making factories. Far too addictive.

Graphics - 8/10
This game has the old retro game feel as the graphics are entirely pixelated but high enough resolution so that you can still see the small details on each of the machines.

Gameplay - 10/10
Be prepared to never go outside again. This game is the heroin of video games. The gameplay loop is so addicting. So much, in fact, that that 10 minutes that would be used making lunch WILL be better used optimising your blue science line. You will starve to death before you stop playing this game.

Performance - 10/10
The game's engine is capped at 60 fps, so i have not experienced any frame drops as of this point.

Price - 7/10
£25 may sound like a lot for what the store screenshots make it looks like, but trust me, this game is worth every penny. Its a hell of a lot cheaper than drugs and 10x more addicting.

Ni la heroína es tan adictiva

The game that popularized the factory building genre. Is great fun and deserves nothing less than a 5 star rating. Some people prefer the game without bugs, but either way the game is great.

Every other factory builder is pretty much just a pale imitation of factorio, and not even really because of the amount of content or gameplay. The thing that really sets factorio apart is the user experience. In the late game, factory builders can start to feel more like microsoft excel than a video game, and so you naturally start to want those kinds of features. Factorio has literally every convenience feature you could possibly want.

la factory n'est jamais assez grande :D

This is a genuinely dangerous game, it's incredibly addictive and honestly potentially life wrecking. Autism catnip. The only way to win is not to play it.

I rarely get so addicted to a game that I'll be playing it for over 4 hours straight, but Factorio just gets to me somehow. It's peak i'm afraid

I mean I for sure am too fucking stupid to play this game but hey if you can figure out how it works there's essentially no limits

Not since food poisoning my dinner guests with shrimp linguine have I served up a more hideous plate of spaghetti

I am too stupid for this game and still get sucked into it once a year for a week. if you like coding and optimization this is for you

It's fine. Pretty fun, automation was cool, liked the art style.

This is the video game equivalent of Crack cocaine.