Reviews from

in the past

deeeeeeefinitely better than the first one in a lot of ways but i still have my gripes with it and no its not about the fact that theres not even one character in this game that i would fuck

so i was not a fan of faith chapter 1 and for what its worth it i still think it is a nice addition in the horror indie genre niche of sorts its not the greatest thing ever created but its a passable experience and for how short it is its definitely worth checking out and since i already got my hands on the collection might as well play the other installments in the series

since this is somehow a direct continuation of the story of the first one youre gonna expect some of the elements to be refined and its like that for the most part theres still some great use of the rotoscopic animations and genuinely still feel pretty scary when coming out of nowhere even if after the 5th one the magic is gonna vanish pretty soon i can take at least a couple of 120 fps animated people melting into blood or black tar but apart from those scenes theres a pretty great sense of tension and some of my favorite scares here dont even have those animations included (cherry on top is the long ass paragraph getting uncanny and distorted the more you read it if you know you know i love that scene) and theres some better understanding and advantage of the medium in this one that wasnt all that present in the original installment and it actually managed some good gasps out of me and again since i already got accustomed to the formula of the rotoscopic animations its funny to see that what actually GOT me were scenes that had nothing to do with it

so as much i can compliment the author(s?) for the effort to rejuvenate a formula that got tiring super quick i still have a lot of gripes for this game NO I DONT WANT TO READ ALL THOSE FUCKING PAPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERS I DONT KNOW HOW TO READ DO YOU GET IT ?????????? why is a game about atmospheric horror and visual scares forcing me to go through deep lore of a story that i dont know nothing about apart from “a priest is doing exorcises in fucking nowhere” and while yes some of them are interesting and do give a lot of murder mystery horror type of vibe to the game do we reaaaaaaaally need 20 of them like the game is already tedious to begin with why would you do that to me and this is not even the worst part because WHO thought it was a good idea to expand on the terrible boss battles of the first game adding like 5 more boss battles that range from disgusting to frustrating to unbearable to anticlimactic to .

god im so angry at this shit it couldve been way better without all this drivel littering the runtime from start to finish its not like theyre not allowed to experiment with prose or battles but was it necessary to do it 10 times in a row ignoring the fact that the protagonist moves slower than a queue at the supermarket and has the moveset of an early 80s fighting game what am i SUPPOSED to do

so umh the art style is still the same and im still not a fan the synthesised voices that quickly grew tiring after 10 minutes and then the tiring transformed into ear bleeding which is always a good thing and lemme be clear the industrial 8 bit soundtrack isnt helping its case in any way shape or form

not a bad game but i expected to see better improvements and less jank i still had a lot of fun exploring this fucked universe and places that are not either a forest or a house trashing them for some more welcoming settinsg <3 a cemetery with the spirits of sexually unsatisfied victiorians an abandoned church which somehow reminded me of the Cv LT T chu RCH HS from silent hill 3 (hmmmm guess where the final battle will take place in i wonder i have no clue) and heroine syringes littered sewers literally the most welcoming places on earth im so glad this game is about happy themes like faith and religion that definitely dont make my skin crawl every time i hear them

do i want to start the chapter 3 already no i dont but do i want to know if grey priest gets in blue priests pants ??? oooooooooooh steamy

Faith: Chapter II works both to expand on what worked in the original game while also helping to fix some of its issues. The most notable thing, I feel, is the increase of this game’s scope — multiple large and distinct areas that all feel fresh compared to each other and never make the game wear out its welcome, even given how much longer it is than the first FAITH. The map as a whole has also been tightened — sending the player through gated paths and corridors as opposed to the rather large and open forest and house of the previous game, making it so that while sometimes I could see a puzzle and be all like ????????????? it was never a question of where I was meant to go. The strengths of the original are still here, too: the artstyle/retro aesthetic is still fantastic, and the game strikes the balance of emulating its inspirations while not going way too far with them. I knock it down a bit mostly… due to some plot stuff — for the second part of a trilogy it really doesn’t particularly go anywhere, aside from introducing some new characters — and because the enemy encounters here felt samey/not as unique as what came before (and what’s to come in chapter III), but all in all I’d consider this a step up: it keeps what made its predecessor fun and unique and yet expands in ways that make it feel brand new. 7/10.

The second chapter took the interesting premise laid out by chapter 1 and expanded on it, making for a really engaging story. Animations are really good as always, and the gameplay, while basic mechanic-wise, is used for many different puzzles.

I couldn't even finish it, I have never been so scared by pixels in my life