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Heading into the Big MT - a world of mad science and even madder science...

The Good
-Characters are obviously the star of the show. A genocidal toaster, clean freak sink, the 5 (6 really) main scientists... exceptional, punchy writing.
-OWB is the DLC that ties all the others together most strongly. It sets up the other 3 very well and I got a chuckle every time Elijah is mentioned (have fun in that vault buddy)
-Stronggg foreshadowing of Ulysses. Wanted to hear a bit more though about what he was up to
-New guns are cool... for Energy weapons users!!! Not so much for me

The Bad
-The typical fallout issue of a lot of quests being too thinly-veiled fetch quests
-Roboscorpions are verrrry tanky for gun builds. The other enemies have a good lethality to them but also aren't too hard to kill. The scorpions had me running as often as fighting, just to save on bullets..
-The Scientist brains are great, absolutely hilarious, but a bit underutilized. Or more, are too packed in? You can do like 90% of their content in your first conversation with them. The intro with them needs to be shorter, then spread out a bit more over the DLC. Even if its just one more meeting with them for extra exposition before the finale.

The Meh
-The world map has some cool bits to it but ultimately is ruined buildings on more ruined buildings. The interior maps are pretty samey too.

The Hmmm
-Why do you have to destroy Moebius at the end? Did I miss a dialogue or sidequest somehow?

A hilarious and fun romp through the mad science that has always been in the background of Fallout but never quite front and center - plus its usual splash of genuine horror at just how fucked up everything is in this wasteland. A good story (with an interesting 'twist' ending) with great characters and some worthwhile sidequests.

i love that this expansion leans into some of the saturday morning cartoon shit u see in fallout. it's pretty damn funny, and I really liked all the quest line stuff. this is also where all the dlc's storylines start to come together. also, all the loot u get in this expansion is really good. i usually find myself late game just using the sink as my home on playthroughs.

cool concept and story with boring quests.

Old World Blues really encapsulates Obsidan’s, and especially Chris Avellone’s, lack of restraint. I don’t mind that the opening is 15 minutes of a dialogue. What I do mind, however, is that the rest of the content is 40 more minutes of dialogue padded with a few hours worth of unnecessary fetch quests, bullet sponges, and a boring map.

Many people love the writing and humour in OWB. Personally, I think it’s just okay. It would’ve been more effective if the content itself was more tuned.

Behind the horrible gameplay and quirky humour is the age of old question: has science gone too far? Specifically, where do we draw the line on scientific progress. The backset to this is, ironically, a bombed out mountain where scientists (well, their brains) have been fighting for 200 years in stalemate.

Unfortunately, the theme becomes fairly muddied in between the humour, drawn out dialogue, and horrid quests.

Like Dead Money, Old World Blues would’ve been better served with minimal combat and a more refined map.

This comedic dlc is not that funny but has some really cool quests.

Jumped into this DLC before I did literally anything else in New Vegas. Under prepared and under ranked. This was genuinely a very fun challenge to grind through, it had me playing differently and prioritizing my equipment better than I have before.

Although, the repetitious "testing" missions got on my nerves a bit and the exposition here can be exhausting. I'm all for dialogue and world building in games, but nearly 10 mins of talking when I wanna start moving/exploring/and fighting just felt really patronizing.

I liked this DLC, but did not LOVE it in the slightest

Not as good as the other DLCs. I mostly disliked the Think Tank, and I wanted to be done with it fast, but at least it gives the player a wide array of items.

was bracing for this to have aged poorly since this is the "funny" one but it was alright. some good delivery but it only does so much to smooth over what is at its core a pretty brief, shallow experience. a lot of repetition and reused assets; getting the wild idea here that these dlcs dont offer all that much to the base game and are pretty much self-contained and vestigial!

The story is interesting but the dogs outside are the worst things ever...

After playing through Honest Hearts and Dead Money, I was a bit concerned about Old World Blues, I've heard many glowing things about it, but each DLC had something I didn't like about it, the unrelenting difficulty of Dead Money, the tedium of Honest Hearts, however, Old World Blues left me pleasently surprised.

The closest thing I could find to a similar disappointment was the tedious side quests of finding personality chips and upgrades, however once I just viewed it as the game pushing me out to go and view the various dungeons the new area of Big MT had to offer, I enjoyed it a lot more.

The game is also a lot more light hearted, focusing a lot more on the zany humour Fallout is known for. Overall, a great 6 or so hour piece of content.

I want to make it known that it is 100% praise when I say this is the stupidest thing I've played in a minute. They really cut loose with the plot and weaponry with OWB and after the previous 2 DLCs played everything so straight it was a welcome breath of fresh air. I also enjoy the format of this DLC. Unlike the rest of New Vegas' expansions it follows the traditional Bethesda style of DLC (e.g. the Dragonborn expansion for Skyrim) that can be returned to and completed whenever the player wants. While I do think the definitive endings in the 3 others are a positive, I think this was a smart choice for this OWB specifically because of its much lighter tone. This story doesn't really need a definitive ending anyway. On top of the great writing and weapons, the backstory it provides for locations and monsters from the base game are also really cool and interesting.

This was the only one of New Vegas' DLCs that I hadn't played before this playthrough and I really enjoyed it. Another solid entry in the catalogue.

What it lacks in terms of narrative and gameplay it really makes up for in comedy. Like holy hell this is one of the funniest things I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing.

Also the final boss fight against the Think Tank is piss easy if you have the Elijah’s Enhanced LAER gun

The best add-on to New Vegas! 

i like the writing, as well as the characters in big MT, this is a funny and interesting dlc with a big aesthetic leap from the base game and the previous dlcs... but it works.

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In a pre Rick and Morty world this was probably funny but now it’s hit or miss and mostly miss. The narrative also leaves a lot to be desired, the whiplash of going from Dead Money to this was intense.

As for the combat, you know things are dire when one of the least annoying enemy types in your dlc is the cazador.

I can’t help but think people mostly like this DLC because it’s full of overpowered nonsense to collect.

It was however nice to get backstory on Christine, Elijah, and Ulysses, and the other bits of story on terminals were generally nice.

One of the more amusing Fallout expansions.

While the humor mostly lands it is a chore to get through on repeat playthroughs, and the horrifying implications of Big MT and its inventions while there, isnt really explored as much as I would’ve liked. The quests also rarely go beyond “get this thing and put it in this other thing” though dungeons remain fun to go through. Still worth a playthrough if you haven’t gone through it yet.

Old World Blues tiene el mismo problema que el anterior dlc, con la mayoría de misiones consistiendo en "fetch quests" ,con poco o nada en medio, metidas en un mapa lleno de enemigos que te detectarán a 5 kilómetros de distancia detrás de un muro, viniendo uno tras otro y otro más. Es insoportable

Por fortuna este DLC SÍ contiene diálogos divertidos y personajes carismáticos que hacen la experiencia mucho más llevadera y añaden opciones más interesantes al roleplay de cada jugador. Lamentablemente, aunque los personajes en sí sean interesantes, ninguno se siente debidamente desarrollado para ser más que cerebros graciosos.

Okay gameplay with hilarious writing

This DLC has some interesting things going on with it but most of it is pretty mediocre or annoying. Dr. Morbius was a cool character and the whole premise was interesting but just like Honest Hearts, there were so many missed opportunities here.

Segundo DLC del New Vegas que me termino. Es el que tiene los diálogos más graciosos con mucha diferencia, pero he acabado hasta los huevos del combate. Todos los enemigos son muros de carne que tardan mil años en morir y son siempre los mismos. Lo mejor sin duda es el pequeño universo tan divertido que han creado y los personajes tan goofy que tiene.

This dlc has some pretty cool weapons and funny dialogue but having to constantly fight off all the robots and lobotomites became a bit annoying

Also why was the intro so long lol

que buceta ruim puta que pariu

This just wasn't what I look for in Fallout stories. It's cool that it's here, and I get why people love the pulpy scifi references. I really did like some of the jokes, but man... the writing feels like a Borderlands 2 DLC. And I don't mean that in a good way.

Extremely hot take.

This dlc is trash. The story is mediocre and bland. The enemies and design are annoying and vacant. The quest design is awful. Everything about this DLC sucked the fun from New Vegas

I love how Fallout technology is written and built upon in these games worlds; and this pack placed a shit tone of that into one convenient and quirky DLC. The narrative it okay but not great, the characters are fun, and the world is intriguing.

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Not a big fan of this one.

Despite having numerous criticism of both Dead Money and Honest Hearts, I find it easy to say this was my least favorite of the three to play.

On a positive note, the dialogues of the characters, specifically the Think Tank machines and Dr Mobius, were really fun. The irony of these supposed ultra intelligent scientists being incredibly out of touch with the real world was a really fun thing to explore when talking to them. Each of the scientists had really unique characteristics that separated each one from one another. Definitely a highlight of this DLC. The main story was generally interesting and the quests were fairly interesting. Exploring the characters, though, was definitely the best part.

The world, on the other hand, really fell flat for me. Now admittedly this is really personal preference, but I hate how empty the Big Empty is. There's no passive NPCs outside of the Think Tank and Mobius' lab, there's no followers to bring along on the journey (I refuse to count the talking suit), and most of the remaining world is filled with killer robots and psychotic lobotomites. I didn't like exploring this empty area. It just didn't speak to me in the same way the Mojave or even the Zion Canyon did. The side-quests were particularly monotonous, and without interesting exploration they fell extremely flat. I wanted to get them over with more so than enjoy the ride.

Old World Blues wasn't for me, I understand that, but it doesn't mean my enjoyment was hindered any less. It still had its bright spots, but its the worst New Vegas DLC, not including Lonesome Road, which I have yet to pick up quite yet. I would recommend this, as I've said with the previous two DLCs, to those who purchased the original game and enjoyed it. I wouldn't search for it otherwise.


In summary, my experience with this DLC was just fine. Some players may enjoy or despise the significant tone shift from the main game that this DLC delivers. Fighting the same repetitive enemies over and over again wasn't something I particularly enjoyed doing. I appreciated the open-level quest design, a departure from the more linear DLCs. The DLC offers the best player home, accessible after the DLC completion, through a teleportation gun. While the quirky dialogue and humour occasionally felt a bit off, it was generally acceptable for me personally. However, the threshold for tolerance to this writing style will vary among players. Before playing this DLC, you need to get ready to fight a ton of robotic enemies. Make sure you do, or else it might not be as enjoyable.

The Good:
- The Sink: The best player house in the game, that will be given to you. Which you can easily teleport to as well after completing the DLC.
- Numerous optional side quests that reward exploration with upgrades for The Sink.
- There is a ton of fascinating backstory to uncover when exploring the big empty, most of which will foreshadow at the other DLCs.
- More skill checks in dialogue compared to the base game.
- The loot and new weapons are quite great.
- The new acquirable perks are very good.
- The voice acting performances were really good in this DLC.
- It is not required of you to complete the optional side missions. If you'd wish, you can certainly rush through this DLC quite fast.

The Bad:
- Lackluster Enemy Variety: The overabundance of robo-scorpions becomes monotonous, and facing them repetitively diminishes the enjoyment. Guess what the final major boss is? A robo-scorpion, but bigger.

- Bullet Sponge Enemies: Even at while being high levelled in the 40s on very hard difficulty, enemies feel excessively spongy, particularly without anti-robotic weaponry like energy weapons or specific melee weapons. Proper preparation is crucial for a better experience.

- Dialogue Overload: The extensive dialogue sequence with the Think Tank at the beginning of the DLC is overwhelming and could of benefitted from some trimming, especially given its placement as the starting point. This dialogue overload negatively impacts the first impression of the DLC.

- Repetitive Quests: The quests tend to be repetitive, often boiling down to simple fetch quests.

- Unfortunately, your Mojave companions cannot accompany you to The Sink after completing the DLC, requiring their dismissal each time you wish to teleport back. This annoying limitation affects the overall quality of life in the DLC.
Specs: Windows 11
165hz 1080p Monitor
GPU: 8GB RTX 3060Ti
CPU: Intel Core i7-12700F
RAM: 16GB DDR4 3200MHz