Reviews from

in the past

A top-tier G&W game; the modern versions on GB with the Mario gang are fantastic.

Played here:
I mean, it's okay I guess? There's no difference between Game A and Game B besides a speed increase, something which I think is sorely needed because Game A is super slow in my opinion. It was an absolute slog to get to 50, so I just gave up once I got there. People are jumping out of a building, you control two firefighters holding a trampoline, and you have to get the people to land in the ambulance. It's pretty simple, which is typical of all these games. I found that due to the godawful speed of Game A, it took forever for the game to start giving me two people at a time instead of one person and that was so boring in my opinion. While playing however, I did have a complaint of which is the first I'll give for any game in the Game & Watch line, and that is that the art of the people while they were falling were always a bit left of the trampoline, and for some reason that kept tripping me up. When they actually hit the trampoline they were centered, but while falling it always looked like they were going to fall on the left firefighter's head. As I've highlighted before, the speed in Game A is absolutely abysmal, so after I got to 50 I quickly went to Game B and it was much more entertaining to play. The difficulty ramped up quicker (obviously), however once you had to deal with 3 people at once, it never got any harder afterward. No speed increase or more people, it just felt like it capped in difficulty and that was only once I got to 20, which was a real bummer. I do like how it looks like the people fall at different speeds depending on how many bounces they've had however, and it makes it a lot less formulaic in terms of who to set up the trampoline for since I actually had to think if person 1 on the left was going to hit the ground before person 2 on the right, even if I had bounced person 2 first.
To put it simply, I think it's okay and it's a good concept, but it's lack of difficulty and Game A being practically useless means I gotta put this at the same rating as Ball, which is pretty disappointing.
Game A and B High Scores: 50