Reviews from

in the past

Shooter com movimentação e disparos travados, mas engraçado q mais parece um cangaceiro na década de 20 kkkkk

Nota: 3/10 (★☆) - Muito ruim

I don't understand why this abandons the on-foot component entirely after the first minute, but as a result you spend most of the game in a tank slowly working your way up the map as you shoot other enemies. Aside from avoiding enemy fire, there's little else going on here. The graphics have some nice details, while at other times do a terrible job at distinguishing foreground from background.

Always get the big tank! ALWAYS!

Front Line is one of those games I used to play back when we had a FamiCom. What I remember the most from it are the marching snares at the start of the game and the sounds of the funny walk animation of our dude fighting his way to victory.

The game is a top-down vertical-scrolling shooter. You start at the bottom of the screen on foot and slowly progress to the top, killing enemies that spawn anywhere. Your only weapons are your pistol and a grenade. The pistol can only fire one bullet on screen at a time, while the grenade serves as a throwable weapon and it can lob over trees, but it flies so slow before exploding and its blast radius is laughably short.

Keep going up and eventually you'll arrive to an open field with enemies now driving tanks. There you'll find one of the two tanks that will spawn which you can drive; A weak and fast small tank, and a strong and slow large tank. Both fire one projectile on screen at a time, and their only difference is firing rate and armor.

The small tank fires quickly but it gets instantly destroyed by any enemy fire in one hit, while the big tank fires large shells slowly but can take a hit before exploding. You can repair the big tank by exiting and reentering it again if it gets hit, but do it quickly or else you'll lose the tank if it explodes, or if you're too slow to exit a second hit from an enemy shell will destroy the tank sooner (with you in it!)

Tip: ALWAYS get the big tank. If it spawns the small tank, it's worth taking the risk and just skip it. Once the small tank is offscreen one of the two tanks will spawn again, just pray it's the big tank.

Reaching the end is an enemy soldier on top of a tall platform, and the only way to kill it is by lobbing a grenade. Once dead, a jingle plays, gives you a bonus score for succeeding and the game is done, which then loops again from the beginning. The game has no end since that's the nature of its source: the arcade. It's purely for hi-score.

The game is good to play for a few minutes. It's so slow and tedious you'll eventually get bored and play something else. This game is a 2/5 for me.