Reviews from

in the past

Toaplan-like vertical shmup that’s a bit barebones. It has a decently neat timetravel gimmick (switching periods per stage), but at only 5 stages long, 3 of which take place in a very similar-looking far future, it feels flat-out unfinished.

I’ve heard it called easy, and it is, sort of… but it’s still an arcade game, and I found myself getting extremely annoyed at its chunky hitbox and quick, basic patterns. Those things are palatable in games of the genre’s late 80s heyday, but a full decade later I want to have moved on.

There’s just nothing here to really grab—scoring is extremely basic; art is aggressively OK; music by Zuntata is at least cool ish, but it feels more like the product of Zuntata understudies. There’s nothing offensively bad, either, but still, for former Toaplan devs to come to Taito—a match seemingly made in heaven for STG fans—and produce something so mediocre is in itself a pretty big bummer.

Pro tip for anyone wanting to dive in in spite of the above: Player 2 type C ship is OP.