Reviews from

in the past

Sights & Sounds
- The hand-drawn animation throughout is very nice. I enjoyed the style; the cutscenes almost looked Disney-like
- The set pieces are also well drawn and interesting
- Most of the voice acting is pretty decent, but the performances are a little uneven. It doesn't help that Kitteh's English voice is a bit grating
- The music provides sufficient ambiance, and the credits song is a banger

Story & Vibes
- I didn't go into the story expecting much beyond some Lovecraftian lore and a few jokes, but got a fairly intricate cultish detective story instead
- That said, the story isn't without its weaknesses. It loses steam in a few places (first Fishburne section and most of the time spent in Romania), and some locales feel underutilized (Paris)
- There's a few chuckles here and there, but a lot of the humor didn't land. The funniest parts to me were the references to the silliness of other adventure games
- The subtitles are appreciated, but there's several misspellings throughout the game

Playability & Replayability
- It's a point-and-click adventure game, so you'll be clicking on stuff to try and get clues, rubbing items on objects in the hopes that something happens, and mashing items together because you think they should combine, even though they don't
- Got all the achievements, so I don't think I'll be returning to this one

Overall Impressions & Performance
- In spite of some blemishes, the game was still a pretty good time. The effort and heart put into the game are evident
- Ran perfectly and without any performance issues

Final Verdict
- 7/10. An interesting game with a little humor and an intriguing mystery. Definitely worth adding to your wishlist for a sale