Reviews from

in the past

loved the way this game used both screens, loved the drug selling mechanics. top down style is a bit hard to get used to, and don’t remember anything from the story

I don't really like playing around in top-down view style gtas
The story is good and all but still doesn't feel right.

Such a cool GTA with a top-down perspective. The music, the comic-book art style, the story, Chinatown Wars brought a level of polish that is rare for portable games.
The drug-dealer side objective and the various mini-games were perfect for the DS and still are on the PSP.

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Jogasso da porra, história muito boa, personagens bem legais (principalmente o Heston), arte foda e gráficos daora. O ponto baixo é que a Ling morre logo no início do jogo. A personagem aparece, demonstra ser uma das mais cativantes na franquia em duas missões, e morre logo na segunda. De resto, foda, apenas.

A premissa é interessante, mas na prática eu não achei lá essas coisas, os controles são confusos e não tão responsivo e o péssimo suporte pra controles Bluetooth foi a gota d'água, a história de vingança parecia que poderia ser interessante, mas as primeiras missões já mostraram o tom do jogo, com pura encheção de linguiça antes da história se desenrolar, acho que GTA com visão isométrica não é pra mim.

Je me suis bien amusé, à l'époque, sur ce portage DS de GTA, qui par sa vue du dessus fait penser aux premiers temps de la série.
Je crois que j'aimais particulièrement acheter et vendre de la drogue, moyen privilégié et répétitif de l'enrichissement dans le jeu.

Played for RetroAchievements. I actually thought this was pretty good especially after spending a lot of time trying and failing to beat GTA1 on Playstation. It's definitely a bit lacking compared to the big releases but it doesn't stop it from being fun.

Возвращение к истокам, так сказать. Не играл в первые ГТАшки, но эта зашла

The art of this game is very good and so is the story.


O jogo é super chato, a história é muito fraca, esse jogo simplismente não tem nenhum personagem bom, a gameplay desse jogo é péssima e nada dele chama a atenção.
Eu me lembrava desse jogo sendo um jogo divertido e inovador para um jogo de PSP, mas hoje em dia tendo jogado mais jogos da plataforma, eu percebi que esse jogo é ruim e nada mais, e infelizmente ele comprova a minha teoria de que os piores GTAs sempre são aqueles que se passam em LC, o GTA III é o pior GTA 3, o GTA IV é o pior HD (até o momento pelo menos) e o GTA LC Stories é o pior 3d portatil, mas esse GTA CW é o segundo pior GTA Da história, só perde para o Advanced, resumindo, jogue por sua conta em risco

This game is quite fun! As someone who isn't usually into GTA games, the DS art style carries this game for me.

Cuando vi este juego dije no puede ser, y me lo pase y he de decir que me ha gustado mucho, e incluso la jugabilidad que daba la DS en aquel entonces, sinceramente juegazo.

absolutely amazing on the psp, give it a shot, severely underrated

Najbardziej niedoceniona gra Rockstara. Minigra o sprzedawaniu narkotyków wciąga tak samo, jak dawniej (nic dziwnego, że w "piątce" wrócono do tego pomysłu pod postacią giełdy papierów wartościowych)

Quickly tried it on a ex-friend's DS by just see how fluid it looks and how fun is to shoot in the game for then dropping it lmao

Ok but jokes aside: it looked interesting and kinda fun, but definitely a game of its era.

Le gta que tu voulais pas quand t'étais petit

[90.91% complete] Main mission complete. Awesome game.

GTA sur Nintendo DS. Que dire de plus ?!
Attention à la caméra vue de dessus qui peut surprendre au début.

10/10 music, great story. My main criticism of this game is that the gameplay can feel very clunky at times, and the missions can get repetitive, but the story, music and characters make up for that. Very unique, different than any other GTA game, highly recommend.

неплохой ретро-эксперимент, прекрасно ощущающийся на портативке и уместивший в себя новый Либерти-Сити времён четвёртой части серии (а бонусом - третья игра из трёх игр в Либерти-Сити, кинувшая в игрока БОССА-ВЕРТОЛЁТ)

P.S. уже пора остановиться с предателем в начале игры, это несмешно

Features that this game introduced like the drug market and being able to make molotovs at gas stations are features I'd love to see return or expanded upon in this series.

Severely underrated title, the pinnacle of 2D GTA in my opinion.

El GTA 2d definitivo y el mejor GTA del universo HD, te trae hasta un simulador de ser mexicano (venta de drogas).

La versión de DS es la versión superior. 🗿

Innovative for DS. Makes great use of the touch screen via small mini games like hot wiring and menu UI without overdoing it and going full touch controls like some other games. The game was like a successor of the topdown GTA 1 and 2 style, mixed with a stripped back DS version of GTA 4’s style and aesthetic, and with 3D environments. Automatic lock-on shooting was taken from GTA 3, and it works well. Story is interesting enough for a DS game. Overall, a well thought-out game.