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in the past

Lo descargue pensando q me lo pasaría bien jugando y tal, he jugado a todos los finales y con el último he llorado


A very cute and short RPGmaker game.

The story and pacing of the story is really charming, with an interesting story around accepting death and it's consequences. The gameplay was a bit on the easy side, being too linear until the very end, but apart from that, it was a solid experience.

Jogo LINDO e com uma historinha pequena porem super interessante e com uma gameplay super divertida recomendo bastante

Grimm's Hollow is a captivating indie game that takes players on a journey through the afterlife with a unique twist. The story follows Varskeletor, a character whose comedic antics and unexpected turns keep players on their toes. While the game starts with a hilarious misunderstanding, it quickly evolves into a deeper narrative that explores themes of loss, redemption, and self-discovery. The gameplay mechanics are simple yet engaging, with a blend of exploration, combat, and puzzle-solving that keeps the experience fresh and exciting. The soundtrack complements the gameplay perfectly, enhancing the overall atmosphere and immersing players in Varskeletor's world. Grimm's Hollow is a hidden gem with a storyline and soundtrack that surpass even the most renowned titles in the indie gaming scene.

Score: 8/10

Not a bad game for being free, has a good bit of content for the two hour runtime. Only issue is controls can be extremely jank at times and the story is a little goofy.

muito bom e merecia mais reconhecimento (2023) D:

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блять я заплакал
© Олег Тиньков

Grimm's Hollow was one of the best indie games I've played lately.

The idea that you can become a ghost or a reaper is a creative and innovative idea.

The main character, Lavender, is the incredible story of her becoming a reaper in search of her brother, Timmy, who has become a ghost and needs to be reaped by the reapers. Grimm, the leader of the reapers, conveys a sense of distrust, but in fact he is a sensible and mature character.

The game's artwork is beautiful, especially the reaper baker (I can't remember his name) and the background gives off a good vibe as well as a feeling of weirdness.

The battles are normal, it's what you'd expect from a game that uses RPG Maker 2003, so for me a game project creator in RPG Makers is fine, in that it brings the problem that it's easy to farm xp by moving around and so it's easy to get the power ups.

The true and good ending is beautiful and made me emotional, while the bad endings are so depressing that I insisted on having the true ending.

All in all, Grimm's Hollow is one of the best experiences that deserved to be better recognized in indie RPG Maker games and it's an experience that's well worth having.

Primeiro jogo que joguei na steam, muito subestimado, gostei bastante

Can't really complain much about this one. Was a cute and fun time. The graphics are 100% the standout here from its beautiful art design to the striking color palette that gives a unique cutesy macabre twist to the afterlife. The story accompanies the setpiece well, with touching and thoughtful characters. Just wish that the antagonist was a little more well developed.

Game mechanics were awesome for an RPG2K3 game. Not every day I get to see a timing based attack. Unfortunately I found the battles to be quite buggy at times with me even shouting at my screen wondering why hitting the down arrow didn't let me dodge. Other times I had to hit the dodge button as I was navigating the menu. Obviously this isn't quite the best engine to implement those kinds of mechanics but I don't blame em. I do just kinda wish it was just vanilla ATB if it meant it was a smoother experience.

Can't complain though. Great game, great experience. Only really took me 2 hours to beat and it's free so I'd say this is worth your time!

Some might say it's great for a free game, but it would still be great, if you had to pay for it. I love the style and music, even if the story is nothing too novel. I wish the game was kind of a demo/teaser to a more full-fledged adventure.

هذي كانت اول لعبه لعبتها على لابتوبي العزيز، مليئة بالذكريات

Divertido, tranquilo e grátis, junto com uma historinha bacana para jogar numa noite.

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A gameplay é tranquila, a pixel art é linda, a história é interessante e o baker é um corno traíra.

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Esse jogo me surpreendeu e me emocionou de diversas formas, simplesmente muito bom


Short game, but it was cool at least.

I think I found a new favorite game.
I know that, since the story is meant to be short, I shouldn't ask for a longer game like that, but I enjoyed it so much that I just wish to play more games from this dev.
Everything is kinda on point with the discussed themes (grief, loss, death), even the colors and the character design is chef kiss.
It just confirms, to me, that a game doesn't need to be perfect or be hyper-realistic to be appreciated and stand out. Even if the controls aren't the best in the world, you eventually get used to them.
I'm expecting so much more for their next game, because I definitely need another one.
Keeping hopes up!

Really solid rpgmaker game about coping with loss and adjusting to losing a loved one. If you want to see all four endings, I recommend to have two saves before the giant staircase with one save having the skill tree complete and the other save having the skill tree incomplete.

shockingly emotional story for a game only 2 hours long
please play its free, short and amazing

Love an RPGMaker game that builds its own better XP system on top of the shit RPGMaker default. Plot is ok but the game itself is real fun

Corto y simple, pero en general mola mucho.

Que jogo lindo da desgraça, que jogabilidade gostosa, que trilha sonora incrível, que perfeição, e a mensagem no final do jogo, puta que pariu, queria saber como em 3 horas pude ter uma experiência tão incrível que muitos outros jogos triple way não me fizeram sentir.

Melhor jogo que achei aleatoriamente de graça na steam, curto, fofo e triste.