Reviews from

in the past

the back of my hand hurts really bad call me a doctor please

I gotta give the devs credit: the idea of taking Guitar Hero with you on the go sounds pretty cool in theory. In practice, though... it just doesn't work that well. The peripheral you plug into the GBA slot of the DS to simulate holding a normal GH controller is kind of a neat idea, but I can't imagine it being comfortable to use for very long. And unless you're using headphones it's just hard to "rock out." An odd little novelty in the GH lineup.

this game was awesome. spiderwebs was my shit i had it perfected

Repetitive strain injury speed run.

nothing says carpal tunnel like this game

Worked better than it had any right to.

My fingers hurt but I'm still rockin'.

Didn’t have the actual instruments, but I found this to be a smart concept for emulating the guitar.

guitar hero for people who want wrist injuries

I used to play the HELL out of All The Small things on this. That guitar pick stylus was everythinnggggg. 🎸

Guitar Hero doesn't translate the best to the DS with this tiny little peripheral, so I would probably never choose to play this over a console version.