Reviews from

in the past

It's just another quarter-munching shmup with nice artwork. The bullet speed and density make it a massive pain to play in co-op where you also have two sets up player bullets cluttering the screen. Marion's cute though.

termine Gunbird! es un juego bonito me gusto mucho el pixelart, es lo unico q puedo decir porque lo jugue braindead para completar un challenge en un discord jaj

I'm not a big shmup guy, but this game was an enjoyable experience. It's not terribly long by itself, but to reach the ending you have to essentially beat the game twice, the second time around being a lot harder.

I've gotten used to arcade games being rather stingy with resources so it was a pleasant surprise to see this game hand you out upgrades and bombs like candy. This happens even when you die so getting back up to speed is no trouble at all. While the levels are rather bullet hell-y, I never felt too overwhelmed or bullshitted until the end of the latter half. At least bosses aren't too heavy with projectiles. Some bosses even made themselves rather easy with their directional attacks.

The little story there was I found a bit bland and was saved by the characters and the humor they brought. I find the whole game a little anticlimactic, like the story was only an afterthought. In the end it's not like I play shmups for their story so no big deal at all.

It's a decent game, though it turns into bit of a quarter burner during the latter half.

Definitely one of the best shmups ever made.


(1-ALL 1CC) So much fun; beautiful and charming graphs and some fast tight shooting in a short package. Absolutely recommend!

First half was fine but second half become unplayable with so many projectiles on screen and every time I died have to start at beginning. That was enough for me and decided to stop.

valnus is kinda op in this game
nice little game for in between

Like Sengoku Ace, I found Gunbird to be kind of prickly and tough to get into at first. The visuals are nicer in this one, sure, but the same nasty design principles are on full display: bullets fly at you faster than you can think, the hitbox is mighty big, and the first three stages flip around randomly, hampering your ability to get your bearings quickly through memorization, and forcing you to just kind of learn how to roll with the game's punches.

After playing for a while, and letting go of my shmup fundamentals a bit, everything started to click. I discovered the Psikyo 'rhythm:' hang back, charge up, dodge some bullets, and then get up in something's face and let it loose, cratering its HP... then do it again. The way tanky enemies and bosses go down in seconds if you're aggressive enough here is addictive.

I chose Valnus, the communist robot(!), as my number one dude, but there are plenty of different characters to experiment with, each with their own little quirks. Some have charge shots that cancel bullets, some are better at close range than others, some have i-frame bombs and some don't. I played for a while with each one and enjoyed myself, before finally settling on Valnus, which is a testament to how nicely balanced they are.

There's nothing much more to it beyond that. Gunbird is fast, brutish, and short, and though it feels nails-tough at first, there are plenty of ways to tip the scales in your favor with high-risk play. It's fun!