Reviews from

in the past

A unique concept with great execution and presentation. Combat is just a little spotty, though, and it can be quite frustrating if you want to access a particular storyline because of the game's RNG and the length of each run.

The cards are cool, the combat is not, especially the sand enemies.

This game is very cool on its face (heh) but.. I dunno, a few hours and bosses in, I was just bogged down in bad rolls and cards. Wasn't having a lot of fun.

Same as the 2nd game but slightly worse

Basic roguelike card game with Arkham combat

all of this game is relatively easy until the final boss, i cannot defeat that mf

Really cool concept, but gets stale fast IMO. They also made the main dude look like the default character from a viking RPG for some reason.

I enjoyed everything about this game, except for the combat (which there is a lot of).

3.5☆ - Really cool RPG card game, haven't played in a while but I remember really enjoying this.

I beat the first six bosses? Campaigns? Whatever you like to call it and just wasn't feeling like continuing. But it was a fun dnd like experience with the levels being made up of events you choose from a deck. I think it's a little too focused on the combat and I would have liked longer story moments or non-combat options to choose from. But I can easily see it as a game you just turn on occasionally and play for a bit. Pretty fun.

literally nothing good about it