Reviews from

in the past

might be my favorite mobile game series ever, sucks that epic killed it just to include the infinity blade in fortnite for a single season in which the whole playerbase (understandably) despised it, not to mention that they backpedaled and removed it super quickly. they basically killed this series for nothing

This game had the coolest concept ever and was my introduction to Epic Games, but too bad the combat was pretty middling

PC port of this game can be found here:

Yes, I copied the most-recent description from the most-recent review here, but it needs to be said enough that subsequent reviews for this game, if played on the PC, should indicate this.

Amazing just how much secrets this game actually had that I wasn't able to discover until this came by as a fan's stealth PC release. Didn't know about the negative bloodlines back then and how it could actually speed up your grinding by a few weeks ahead of time.

Still, despite being the premier game that defined the iPhone's appeal and power at the time, it is certainly aging a little bit poorly. Game's much easier to play when you're not fat-fingering it on the phone, but all the same beyond upgrading your stats, the gameplay loop doesn't change.

One part sniping away coin bags and health potions, one part swiping the screen looking for alternate paths on the longest road to the God King, and the last one being a punch-out game fighting against 3 enemy types beside the God King and his Dark Knight, that's all the gameplay you'll get. The numbers and difficulty may change but the core is always static. Well, the PC version's free, so why not play it anyway? It's a meditative experience that you can just plop anywhere and stop at any time.

IT was kinda weird and not that gresat feeling on PC, but if it looked like that on mobile I understand the hype.
Honestly the gameplay on PC is not my thing so I'll let it be.

this game goes fucking crazy with the PC port that removes microtransactions, my only complaint is that I wish the game was longer and that grinding money wasn't such a pain in the ass because you need that infinity blade for the true end and getting 500k gold sucks if you finish it in an early loop/bloodline
Combat is simple but the animations and sound design make it feel heavy and powerful, the story is kinda nothing, the enemy/armor/weapon designs rock. Really great for a free mobile game

This is how you do a roguelike that is concise, narratively engaging yet minimalist with gameplay that is just as simple but rewarding.

This entry is so perfectly streamlined that it feels arcadey at times, including the whacky stupid rewards, the inate push to always improve your performance on a particular enemy to get to the godking with more health and shield left, etc.

Desperately wish this franchise wasn't treated like dogwater after Apple compatibility died. And of course, Fortnite making the company that made it lose interest in it forever.

This is the start of one of the most high effort mobile game of all time even for today standard

You don't know how happy I got when I found out this got a PC port. I was always so furious at Epic Games for killing what was the mobile game series, so knowing that at least one of them is still playable brings me immense joy.

Now, I lowered my score a bit, because the gameplay is kinda boring and samey compared to IB2 and 3, but I am not one to complain. Better than nothing.

The lore, while pretty barebones as a standalone, feels good to revisit. They foreshadow some pretty important stuff that I didn't catch back in the day. It's a shame in the sequels they dropped the conlang in favor of English voice acting, I think it was a great touch for the atmosphere of the game.

All in all, I'm grateful that I could experience this game again.

its whack a mole combat is outdated and It suffers from being a complete cakewalk, while ib2 and ib3 are more of the same. those games are a significant improvement over this one, with the added mechanics and varied fights.

while i'm glad this had a pc port, this was clearly designed around the limitations of a phone as any sense of challenge goes out the windows once i mapped slashes to keybinds.

PC port of this game can be found here:

This series was The Game at the time, it had a presentation and vision that was just something else compared to anything else you could dig out of an app store. Playing the PC port nearly a decade and a half later puts into perspective how much of the difficulty at the time came from doing all of the tapping and swiping motions on such a small phone screen. Playing it on said PC port now turns it into a bit of a meditative grind that you can do while half paying attention to something else. Hopefully there will be a source code drop for the sequels at some point, I'd love to explore memories related to those too.

Probably the best mobile game series to ever exist, while the first probably isn't my favorite, it's still sick, the new pc port is fun too.

One of the best phone games ever made. The lore is better than it has any right to be and the gameplay and character building is just engaging enough to keep you going. Repetitive but extremely satisfying. Played the PC port and it's not quite the same, this is the kind of game that was made to be portable so you can have a quick session and feel like you made progress.

Baby's first souls/rogue-like

Wish I could still play this and the sequels.