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Mickey is the only good part. Also I dont really feel motivated to do the bosses since my save file is on critical mode and I dont want to be destroyed.

Simplesmente incrível essa DLC, ela preenche os buracos que ficaram do final do jogo base, o que é meio memes pq ai voce meio q é obrigado a comprar a DLC

Primer DLC de historia de la saga, en este caso sigue con la historia del tercer juego pero sin antes dejarnos volver a tener peleas del juego base pero pudiendo controlar a otros personajes ( algo que se lleva a años pidiendo) y teniendo habilidades y ataques exclusivos, sería lo que en la época de PS2 se conocía como la versión “ Final Mix” del juego base, agregando postgame y algo más de historia, una pena que esto no llegase en el juego base y tuviese que ser metido vía DLC pero la verdad es que me ha gustado y agrega muchas cosas interesantes y expande más aún en juego, si lo podéis pillar de oferta como yo y os gustó el juego base os recomiendo sin duda este DLC.


O Boost final que o jogo precisava

It's too short story wise, but the difficulty is there. Too overpriced though.

Don't even try it without ultima and level 99.... But those are the greatest bossfights I've ever encountered in the series... that final fight is AWESOME I need more info.... please kh4 before I join xehanort in retirement home

PEAK FICTION!! really cleared up any confusion I had at the end of kh3 and ultimately improved the ending. I do wish it had been included in the base game tho!

Muy caro para el contenido que trae y el final es muy bueno y muy emocional y disfrutable, aunque la dificultad también jode para desbloquear contenido clave de esta expansión, muy artificialmente alargado

Finished Re:Mind episode on October 28th
Finished LimitCut episode on October 29th
Peak KH just wish it was longer

a parte da historia é bem desnecessaria mas as batalhas adicionais SÃO PICAS PRA CARALHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O YOZORA É A MELHOR BATALHA DE KINGDOM HEARTS

This DLC has some of the best tracks and boss fights that Square has ever made, and I'm not even joking

ReMind was super cool, it’s a good step in getting more character moments from a series that really hasn’t had the chance to do things not pertaining to the plot. Limit Cut on the other hand is just the type of boss design I absolutely do not care for. It exemplifies the delay in jumping, guarding, dodging and quickstep. I do not care to sit on a boss and memorize their every move in a slightly better attempt to beat it.

dlc de mau gosto e desnecessária, as lutas são legais tho

The actual game had a great experience and this added to that. Kinda sucks its a DLC even though KH2 basically had the main part i appealed to in the remix anyway. DLC is short but its a good time (just get it when its cheaper...or you know...when they inevitably re-release it for cheaper)

The main scenario is fine. The first two hours are just rehashes of the bosses you fight at the end of the main game. The fights later on are pretty cool though! Too bad the other two episodes are just more boss fights that, in my opinion, are unfair and brutal. Not worth it at full price.

First of all, it's too expensive. I lucked out that my playthrough of kh3 ended in december, so I was able to snag this a few weeks later on sale, but I had it wishlisted for a few months before and it never dropped in price.
That being said, it was very fun to see what all your friends were doing while sora was doing the final fight. It was an epic fight too, and I thought it was done well.
The data fights are absolutely brutal, and are designed for all those people who dared to complain that kh3 was too easy. these are not easy.
Now for the cons, I'm pretty sure the voice actors for some of the main characters were different. Also, the mixing was wildly off for some of them. being too low, and not even sounding clean.
Also story wise, it does feel like a bit of rehash of the end of 3 until about halfway through.
It's a messy DLC, but there is still definitely something for everyone if you loved kh3.

I hope Kairi becomes fully playable in the following games, the extra chapter with her was very cute.
Data Org XIII is still very cool.

I can't wait for Versus XIII I know it's real.

no valió la pena ni comprarlo a mitad de precio pero cumplí mi sueño de jugar como kairi (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。

Playing through the entire base game, plus the ReMind content that came included in the PC version made me glad that I have played through the whole series since November of this year!
The two worlds that I really have enjoyed in the game a lot are Toy Box and Monstropolis because I have grew up with both Toy Story and Monsters Inc.

Gives me hope for the future finally a game in the series that has better bosses than kingdom hearts 2

Absolutely worth it either if you adore every bit of story from KH, which you've probably purchased this already if that was you, OR:
You love challenging amazing boss battles. This DLC has 13+1 super bosses, which if you're an action game fan, and loves 1v1 boss battles, this DLC is for you.
I'd also recommend getting it on a discount. 15$ sounds about right.

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Yozora was kicking my ass. This dlc is great tho

Lutando por amor. A paixão que te guia pelas adversidades e te motiva mesmo com tudo se deteriorando. E aquele mesmo amor que consegue reconstruir e restaurar tudo.


Man I miss jet set radio so much more thanks to this DLC.

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I hate Yozora