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knights college ? or should I say college of sucking mean DICK hahahahahaha up top fellas

back to the furry shenanigans you know whats up boys another furry porn VN with lots of different things that would make our creator God Almighty BAWL thank you . that being said im lazy I don't want to find the disclaimer rn so what you're gonna get is THIS IS A FURRY GAY 18+ NSFW PORN VN IF THE MERE THOUGHT OF IT MAKES YOU CRY PLEASE GET AWAY

hi deranged people who decided to remain here this is a very special case for me to talk about because this game completely got my entire adhd hyperfocus for some reason unbeknownst to even me it actually ended up being a pretty competent furry vn and even vn in general whats happening did furries get good

so long story short knights college is about believe it or not a guy who gets accepted into a knights college I know shocker and there he's gonna do lots of stuff like training to become a big strong and beefy knight meet lots of people from around the country and make new friends who are definitely not gonna partake in any nsfw cg down the line

(for the nasty freaks in the audience if you somehow are interested in this the base game you get has NOT the nsfw scenes probably for distribution issues and you can download a patch from kaiju official website after you download the game and apply it to get the juicy juice contents youre welcome)

main character argo comes from a family of fishermen so most of the introductory arc is actually spent trying to understand why a nobody like him got in a prestigious college where no more than like 20 people a year get in AND with a letter of recommendation no less and maybe if there's time left also suck dick

see knights college has a really weird thing called good worldbuilding during the entire game and its pretty insane to me how they manage to make a really vivid idea of how this fantasy country is made up painting some decent socio-cultural landscapes historical events and people's beliefs and traditions and more . this is not to say that this fucking game is the new echo which is not but the way they manage to make this college that could be timeless and floating in the air actually have a really interesting place and time through some little worldbuilding elements its just a blast to see honestly

that being said the premise is really simple you get to be some time in this knights college for a runtime of like 15 hours and while you're in there the main mechanic is to just bond and progress with your fellow classmates through the usage of cards

now if you ask me what cards are they're single handedly the best visual novel mechanic I've ever seen in visual novels in their entirety which is honestly a lot to say about a game like this and what they are is kiiiiiiind of branching choices but not really actually let's call them either just conversation topics or places to go OR branching choices too yeah . so how this works is that through conversation and interactions with various characters some cards will show up in front of argo and they're gonna be added to his deck of possible choices in his future interaction for example if I'm doing a chapter and theres a lock in one of the different dialogue choices that means that it's behind a card that I don't have yet so going on with the game and doing some more interactions I get the card for “hug” then if I want I can replay the previous chapters and see if that's the card that was to be used in that segment and if its possible the lock unlocks and you can choose the “hug” option which ends up with a sex scene with you and grantly congrats !!!!! the system is better understood if you play it but it's basically just a more organic and interesting way to make sure that you have loads of choices but also a pretty linear progression that means that you can have branching stuff but it usually comes later having followed the first singular route for each chapter again this is super stupid but also the greatest visual novel mechanic ever its unbelievable and its also a way more interesting way to interact with the story than just phrases because every single card has a visual stimulus that redirects a concept or a meaning to a thing without having to explain exactly what you're gonna do and while maybe some choices end up being less obvious than others they're a few and sparse and even if you pick the wrong path they're usually at the end of the chapter which means that you can just boot it up again and skip all the way there with possibly zero throwback

this is a reminder to talk about the cards later

what's pretty interesting about these cards its that they're fully dietetic which means that they actually exist in-universe and argo can actually see them in front of him and pick a choice as a consequence . while this may be explained in the beginning of the game as a mechanic it actually has relevance for the story because as a matter of fact since the pseudo medieval knights college ambience wasn't enough the authors decided to give each and every one of the fellas in the boyband a mental power called EP which is just some no copyright way to say ESP what that means is that characters have powers or potential to develop powers and the knights college is just an institution to help them develop that power and use it in their knightly duties

unfortunately the EP frame has just the added value to give the game a few narrative expedients and being an all around fun worldbuilding element to fuck around with BUT its less explored than I actually wanted it to be since most of the students have their EP still dormant it means that you're gonna see like 3 or 4 types of EP counting argo which is honestly such a shame you have this really interesting narrative element added to the mix and you do absolutely nothing with it apart for a consensual non consensual sex scene ????? prophetic

apart from this general backdrop of worldbuilding groundwork the way the story is presented and explored has a clear SoL way of progressing its just something happens with X lesson / event then you can talk to people and then you can get in bath with people rinse and repeat and throughout the different chapters you're gonna get to know some interesting guys in the gang but before getting to the almighty sex

art direction is insane in this one so for context most of the visual novel out there are made in renpy and the ui all looks samey to an extent but the creator(s) of this one went to the extent to make it with unity (which in hindsight had to be made outside of renpy because of the entire card collection gist) and its so fucking good it's literally one of the most gorgeous furry vns I've seen out there in terms of general art design

for starters the portraits of each character are amazing literally gorgeous character design BUT this can be something deeply personal that maybe somebody else would not like but where this really shines is in the way the ui is seamlessly introduced in the whole interface which at first felt really intrusive since it takes a lot of space but I slowly began to like it more and more due to the fact that characters don't have expressions in their full bodies BUT there's a little window in the left corner that gives room for some side profile expression illustrations which is honestly such a fun addendum to the whole user interface and one that has the benefit of being super effective and immediately recognisable (I don't even remember if character names are quoted in the textbox when they speak because the expressions make a damn clear proof to who's talking) and yknow this doesn't really take away the fact that the ui is a big janky and most of the time taking like ⅓ of the whole screen but you just learn to love it more and more due to how much work was put into it to make it this valuable . and for those who are asking the backgrounds are like stock pictures with those like pixelated filters to make them unrecognisable if you have ever read any kind of low budget visual novel yknow what I'm talking about also just think about fata morgana

as I was saying most of the story elements revolve around interacting with your fellow classmates and get to know their each and every kink sorry I meant quirk anyway the cast consists of grantly who is PRESENTLY my favorite guy of the bunch people who know me know that I'm moronsexual to a pathological level I love me some big beefy stupid man whose only thoughts going through their mind is training eating and fucking bitches (im bitches) so umh yeah hes insane I love him so much grant if youre reading this I'm overdue for a creampie then we have oscar who's the little twink of the crew intelligent and shy gets a lot of attention for being submissive and breedable then you have professor dick sorry didedick sorry dedick sorry diederich who's the daddy of the bunch former pirate and current professor of the knights college with a heavy presence both in personality and in underwear terms love him very much and love his relationship with argo then you got theo who's the biggest red flag of the entire game noble guy with an arrogance bigger than his cock hates argo and wants him to die off a cliff or something he's a blast and he's deeeeefinitely not gonna have any kind of redemption arc

more or less these are the most important ones of the bunch because the others usually feel underdeveloped or they're just added for narrative effects orrrr just blatant porn scenes

while I definitely feel like paul has some interesting story elements going for him he's unfortunately left underdeveloped after his chapter because of the very little chapter count and how long they last (this game is like 10 hrs or 15 hrs if you jacking off) which is pretty damn short for a story with so much meat on the grill then you have julius which is also kinda hot not gonna lie again love me a beefy buff man who's overconfident and stupid as shit then celio sensei is an interesting character because he just has this weird cliffhanger on his identity just to fall super flat which is very in link with the vibes of the game but apart from that he's like stern teacher trope the end you can't even fuck him then you got the 2 dragons which are suuuuper underdeveloped but the college dragon is a pretty fun guy because he's socially anxious and shit (I relate) and the other dragon is in the himbo category so yknow what I think and hermann has a foot fetish

while this is definitely not the most ambitious visual novel I've ever read I was pleasantly surprised by the different events that take place in the game and the quality of the writing which is honestly pretty good I love how simple and soft the social interactions are slowly getting to know your classmates go to class have someone to get in the public bath with I just like how the story is presented and the major focus on the slice of life part of things

the last part gets kind of freaky and actually has the SPOILERish intent to give theo that redemption arc we were all waiting for and recontextualising the entire card mechanic because youre gonna have to go through past events (that are unlocked as you finish the game with the bad ending) and have the ability to change fate and shit like that that was BOMB I loved that final arc and how they handled theo actually getting his trauma behind and moving on and being friends with argo and shit that was actually a damn good enemies to friends to fwb if you ask me

only thing that I really didn't fawn over was that epilogue which in itself is seeking to give you conclusive acts with each and every one of the characters but the thing is most of them really do take like 3 minutes each to complete and while i definitely liked seeing the game giving me some closure to the relationships made throughout in the game most of them are either really superficial or without a conclusion and just a few of them actually hint to some kind of romantic development even if argo basically fucked with more than half of the cast but yeah they had to conclude the game this way if they wanted to make an epilogue for each guy I guess

again this really was elevated with the writing which was so straightforward and engaging probably one of the best one I've seen in the genre it gets straight to the point and has a huge focus of what characters say and their use of words instead of being overly descriptive for no reason and this also meant that the soft porn conversation got my dick pushing on my pants not gonna lie the way they handle erotic convos is insane I was literally going crazy the writers know . what's . up the quality of the eroticism is not only better than other furry vns but even +18 vns in general don't @ me they usually get to the porn scenes and say always the same things but knights college actually has the recipe for good porn scripts apparently

and this leads to the very much needed porn scenes that are the cherry on the top of the entire experience for as much as I'm concerned and while some of them could be hit and miss depending on what characters you like and what gets you going but ALL of them are gorgeously animated beautifully rendered astoundingly sensual literally popped their puthy off with this one but of course I got my favorites in the band which are the julius closet scene since I got a crush on him and a kink for getting caught then the grant scene because im in love with him and the thermae was possibly one of the greatest set for this scene I lost so much cum on this one and THEN the ultimate cg set which is the one where theo gets DICKED . THE FUCK . DOWN by argo like the shifted power status where theo was usually on the top of argo due to social status and physical prowess to him getting pushed into submission by him was so fucking hot I was gonna go fucking crazy im not joking as I was saying the writing in this one is something else entirely this was the scene where I realised that theo was a hottie no actually that was the deserted island bath scene but this was like the last nail in the coffin and also made me realise that argo is hot and I want to be dominated by him a man can have dreams I'm still fateful to grantly tho

so basically the thing is if you're a gay furry this is definitely a work of art in every way shape or form it can fall flat in some moments but overall for such a short runtime it has lots of contents and an engaging “gameplay loop” to explore its story and routes the end I loved it

grantly my number is 392***