Reviews from

in the past

Got really ducking scared, can recommend

the last puzzle... i love that kind of puzzle

definitely worth the short 20 minutes it takes to play it. Less horror and more just. Sad.

Last Seen Online is a really good short form Indie Horror game that really got a reaction out of me. The game does have a few scares, and it does have a creepy atmosphere, especially when you get into the Other World.

But, where this game really shines is it story, that is very emotionally driven, and very well thought out, and very well written. The story fits well within the concept of the game, and it is quite powerful with the messages it has about living forever, and depressive thoughts.

Very good game, and one I think should be played by most people, especially since its free.

Overall: 9/10

This is what it's like playing Wizard101.

I love some compu-horror. The puzzles felt clever and original, and the aesthetics are very cool

An excellent and scary small piece about the desire to live forever, the dying internet, and the ends people will go to end their misery. You definitely have the time to play this, and you should. Excellent!

Can't complain much here, incredibly solid, free horror game with a pretty interesting concept. Really only getting points off because it was super short and the last two puzzles were obnoxious.

Uma ideia interessante que poderia ser melhor explorada. Vale a pena a experiência.

Short and sweet. Some of the puzzles felt obtuse, but most of it was well done.

such a good short game, i loved the idea and the whole vibe of it

This game was surprisingly good for a short 30-minute free game from steam. The puzzles were clever and solving them was a lot of fun, despite how short the game was the story was decent and the art style was cool.

Absolutely worth it (it's free and is only 30 minutes long). It'd be really cool if the developer made a longer game in this style.

The puzzles here were like, just the perfect amount of obtuse (except for the fountain puzzle that shit had me writhing) and the presentation was immaculate... switching out of the tab once for a bit too long made one of the shaders/screen effects disappear for some reason.

Super short and sweet badass puzzle game. Play it now, for the love of god.


One of the fiew "screenlife games" I ever played (and ever existed?). You find and old computer and start exploring its files, folders, archived chat... you basically star investigating what the previous owner was up to. Of course this become more and more fascinating as you proceed: the computer, the chats, the online friends, all keeps addressing "you", but you're not that you. You're basically investigating an implied subjectivity, overlapped to yours as you play.

There are brilliant All About Lily Chou Chou vibes here and there. The game just loses part of its charm as it proceeds and becomes nothing but a standard puzzle game.

what i thought would be an offputting and spooky game turned out to also be heartbreaking, i loved it. everything about it felt unique and interesting, even if it was a little short

usually short horror games don't really grab me because they rely on a gimmick, but this one is really earnest and sincere about capturing the experience of escaping your life into a virtual world in the 2000s, play it!!

Pretty solid free puzzle horror game. Has the vibes of a classic escape room and I had a lot of fun trying to figure out the solution to each puzzle. Good time waster

Muito interessante a proposta, muito legal ver a vida de uma outra pessoa, pq geralmente a gente esquece que outras pessoas tbm vivem alem de nós mesmos.
Esquece que outra pessoa passa por problemas e mistérios tbm.
Ótima experiência.

Tiene todos los cimientos del terror analógico y del simulador bien puestecitos, aunque no termina de despuntar por ningún sitio y los bajos valores de producción lo lastran. Completamente comprensible para un indie hecho por una persona, pero quizás le faltaba o más tiempo o menos scope. Sea como sea, te da exactamente lo que buscas si te apetece jugar a este tipo de juego, y tiene algún puzle ingenioso.

with only a few hiccups here and there (some puzzles nearly made me pull my hair out), this was a really good and saddening story. i feel i can relate to liz. if i had the opportunity to do something similar in my youth i know i would've taken it. :(

terrorífica experiencia de una persona intentando entrar a su antigua cuenta de un second life de marca blanca