Reviews from

in the past

An open world racing game with great destructible player and opponent vehicles. Midtown Madness really can be described as chaotic and filled with mayhem. The game has a really vibrant and memorable city with different classes of vehicles. The biggest gripe of this game is the absolutely terrible handling this game offers. The cars can be easily oversteered with just a slight press of the arrow key or controller stick, lowering the physics slider in the car selection page does help a little in reducing the oversteer. The best part of the game is the destruction that can be caused in checkpoint races. I've won so many races by using the bus to block roads and watch ai opponents collide in me and get wrecked.
Overall, a very fun open world game with some bad car handling. I used a patched repack version of the game running with something called open1560. It runs perfectly fine on Win10.

Watching the police mess up and zoom into the ocean just scratches an itch I never knew I had

Probably the first PC game I played, very tough missions for me but fun to unlock new cars. Would go back to it just to see how it feels these days.

used to block the tunnel by ramming the NPC vehicles in a single line, I never really tried to race tho

Damn I loved this shit when I was 5

Uno de los primeros mundos abiertos y la razón por la que me gustan los juegos de carreras. El juego es muy corto como para terminarlo en una o dos sesiones, pero se puede expandir con la inmensa colección de mods creados a lo largo de los años con eventos, mapas y autos. El manejo y las físicas hacen las cosas bien difíciles, teniendo que cuidar para no girar de más con algunos autos y voltearse o darse vuelta, la sensibilidad con mando y teclado está jodida. Aunque solo tenga autos americanos son autos muy únicos que no se ven en muchos juegos e hizo que me gusten autos como el Mustang del 2000 o el Panoz AIV Roadster. La ciudad se ve gigantesca con tantos rascacielos y el tráfico al máximo, la estética del 2000 y el anunciador de la radio de Chicago le dan más estilo al juego. Es un clásico que es recordado como el precursor a Midnight Club, pero MM1 me parece mejor que MC1 por un montón. Es mi juego favorito de toda la vida, ojalá Chicago fuese un lugar real.

the amount of hours i have spent on doing donuts under the flamingo sculpture and watching AI cops keep running into it till they combust <3