Reviews from

in the past

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

For God’s sake, it’s a platform game with two cute TWINS! How can you not love it? You know you do, dammit. So anyways you control one of these girls (the difference between them is not easily distinguished), and you walk to the right and you’re cute. How do you defeat these creatures that block your path, you ask? You throw candy at them! And they eat the candy, and they eat contentedly, and that’s your chance to slip by, as they chew merrily on the mysterious free candy! And then there’s these platforms that plummet to the ground the second you step on them and you die and the end.

Neat little game with a cute as hell aesthetic, your way of dealing with enemies is by throwing candy at them and it only temporarily stops them for a few seconds with each stage having a boss that challenges you to a mini-game duel. It's barely an hour long and doesn't overstay it's welcome at all, I also liked how It was a tad bit challenging here and there, the last level is CV inspired and tests what you learned in the game in a sweet way.