Reviews from

in the past

If I tell you why it's so good, it'll ruin it.

The internet nerd version of those Pay-It-Forward chains that happen in the Starbucks drive-thru every now and then. Some people might be sold on the idea alone but to me it was basically just a proof of concept and nothing more.

foi foda quando isso aqui lançou

You had to be there when this game was still online. It was a experience that I will never get to experience again. Well, I might not be able to play but I think videos exist of gameplay out there.

This game is awesome. It is only ten minutes long, but the wow factor in those ten minutes are pretty cool. There isn't much to the game other than the wow factor, but I'm a fan of the wow factor. Play this game if you haven't been spoiled yet.

I got to play this and I'm glad I did

A very small pixel mini-game, spoiler ahead. A good experiment, now no longer available.

Очень небольшая пиксельная мини игра, дальше спойлер. Неплохой эксперимент, ныне более недоступный

fiquei 2 dias em choque dps de ver o Vídeo do Bruno

A short but interesting experiment, where the ultimate outcome of the game was out of the player's hands. I think for anything of a larger scope than this game was, that might seem unfair, but Steam reports I cleared this in 8 minutes - perfectly fair length for something like this. The experiment was of course not immune to pranks or trolls, which is probably why it's down now, but it was kind of neat to be a part of it for a brief moment.

There isn't much more to it than that, and I'll admit that I didn't really feel what I'm seeing other people felt from this. But it's fun to think about from time to time.

Small idea executed extremely well. Shame it's lost media now.

most of the people in these reviews haven't actually played moirai. myself included

a very cool idea and not much else

Знаете категорию mindf*ck фильмов с неожиданными поворотами? Эта игра что-то вроде того.