Reviews from

in the past

For better or worse, I've found myself to be someone more willing than most to give games with extremely controversial or taboo subject matters a chance. This isn't to be some smug contrarian, but more so because I don't want to be swayed away from a game because of an incorrect initial reaction from the public that would label it as degenerate filth, while the game itself is actually a nuanced and interesting perspective on those subject matters that would otherwise be buried under an avalanche of controversy and dismissal.

With that said, having this game on my PC feels like it actively revokes my entry into Heaven. This is a disgusting game made by disgusting people, who I hope find some salvation through extensive therapy, or more preferably, extensively memorising the cracks and stains on each of the four walls of their cramp jail cell.

from "the guy who actually wrestled with their thoughts on super columbine massacre rpg" comes: this is just super stupid and lame and thoughtless. not even particularly interesting as an exercise on edge and mechanically really bad. cannot approach any sort of guilty pleasure, thankfully i suppose

My old review was too based for this website so all I'm going to say is that not only it's cringe and promotes abhorrent messages catered to incels but it's also a pretty garbage game

playing this game is like looking into a paper bag that says "human feces: do not eat" and then taking a big bite out of it like you can't be too surprised, 99% chance this is just someone's fetish game, CHANGED for edgelords

what the fuck.

There are some realistic details I appreciate (students playing dead) but otherwise this is just edgy surface level fluff. I can’t believe a game about school shootings can even be compared to generic fluff.