Reviews from

in the past

Apesar de ser um jogo meme feito pra satirizar a candidatura de Donald Trump em 2016, ele é bem divertido e entretém muito bem, com desafios, piadas e ate mesmo o ragdoll tornam o jogo mais legal e engraçado, apesar de as vezes ser frustrante em certas partes. Mesmo que sem querer, esse jogo ainda não se tornou ultrapassado, já que o Trump caminha para sua terceira candidatura e boa parte das sátiras ainda continua em pé. Talvez seja uma boa época pra jogar ou rejogar o game.

as a meme game, this is fine although the physics and controls suck they don't suck to the point of over frustration so the jokes actually gets to play out even though its a very simple and at times fairly crude joke but I am not American so idc

press 6 to throw it back at the president

Goofy little physics platformer thats thinly veiled political propaganda.

I remember when this was a FREE novelty game in like 2014 to cash in on the success of QWOP and all those other games made to test Pewdiepie's patience but then the developer charged money for it and reskinned it into a Donald Trump game in the hopes it'd get notorious for being suppressed by the fascists in charge for being a threat to the president or some shit. But it didn't because Trump had other people to suppress by threatening to gun them down on Twitter. So, really, its legacy is just being another piece of shite to add to the pile of weak epic win Gritty/lib social commentary alongside that embarrassing Saturday Night Live segment where someone cosplayed as Hillary and played Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah.


I feel like this game is in the same timeline as FJK Reloaded.

Mr.President! is a "3D platformer" with the goal of saving Trump by either takin the bullet for him or getting him out of the way, each stage is structured in a way where you need to reach the end while avoiding the obstacle or else you'll fall into a ragdoll animation similar to how goat simulator plays.
As dumb as this game sounds it's a ton of fun for the most part, it's mostly good because the idea is silly and it's fun to die and retry but some stages are just straight up badly designed and really makes you wish you had the ability to skip that stage, it doesn't feel like Super Meat Boy for example where you always feel like it's your fault for not being able to complete a stage, Mr.President! relies a bit too much on the ragdoll randomness to complete certain stage and it can be really frustrating, and yes I'm talking about the Putin stages they are terrible.

Other than that this game features two wrestling side modes which one of them makes you play as Trump and your goal is to put all of the immigrants out of the ring, and in the second one you play as the body guard and you have to do some takedown wrestling moves to trump, I don't know anything about wrestling so call that however you want. Trump's game mode isn't particularly fun but I had a lot of fun with the Bodyguard's one.

You probably already noticed that the humor of this game is particularly dated and pretty much only made sense in 2016, nobody really talks about Trump anymore and that's probably why nobody talks about this game anymore, it was just a silly viral game and we pretty much all enjoyed our time either playing it or watching our favourite youtubers playing it because back then everyone played it!
Should you play this game? For sure, it's a ton of fun and nobody cares about dated political jokes, if the game is fun then it's worth a playthrough.

Mr. President is a game that mirrors the chaotic nature of real politics, offering players a messy and unforgiving experience where losing may be the best outcome. Much like navigating the political landscape, the game provides little guidance, leaving players to figure things out on their own.

The game's satirical take on politics is sure to appeal to those with a dark sense of humor, particularly those who enjoy poking fun at current events and political figures. With its tongue-in-cheek approach, Mr. President is a game that doesn't take itself too seriously, making it a fun and entertaining experience for players looking for something different.

However, it's worth noting that the game's humor may not be for everyone, and its irreverent tone can be off-putting. Additionally, the game's lack of clear objectives and direction are definitely a downside to the game's chaotic presentation.

Overall, Mr. President is a game that offers a unique and satirical take on politics, with a messy and unpredictable gameplay experience that keeps players on their toes. For those looking for a game that doesn't pull any punches, Mr. President is sure to deliver.

Score: 7/10

Took me a few years but I have finally finished this game. Some levels were really frustrating, but the ending with the time machine was worth the frustration.

I started this game in 2016 and finished it on the Inauguration Day of 2020, what a coincidence.

This is the hardest game ever made fuck Dark Souls

Loved the game, sometimes it's a struggle at some levels but in the end it's worth it.