Reviews from

in the past

I've heard nothing but good things about Nekketsu Oyako, and honestly, I don't get it. 
I don't know; the repetitive, slow, and metodical nature of the beat 'em up genre is like the total opposite of fun for me, and this game was no exception. I appreciate the quirky sense of humor, but that alone does not hold a mediocre game together.

Absolutely delightful music, though.

Weird-looking beat n' up that's colorful and a little bit on the easier side.
May be more fun with a friend, but the slowdowns (on the Saturn version at least) pulls the experience down a little bit.

Plenty of attacks that can be trigger with inputs like on Final Fight 3 of SoR4, so fans of the genre will feel at home.

Nothing too special to say about it, but it's ALMOST a hidden gem on the platform.

This wouldn't be such a bad beat 'em up to start the Playstation's life cycle in Japan if it wasn't for the mollasses walking speed and the Arcade-esque unfairness with traps and certain enemies like the "Freddy"s.

I saw that people have 1cc'd this on YouTube, all the power to them I guess!

Pelas imagens parecia um bom jogo e de fato o cenário é bonito, mas a gameplay é toda lenta e travada

Game Review - by Gideon Zhi (founder of AGTP)

Nekketsu Oyako by TechnoSoft (or alternately Tecno Soft) – not to be confused with the other Nekketsu games, starring Kunio, by Technos – is a rather average Final Fight clone beatemup. You’ve got your three characters, the big buff slowpoke, the fast but weak girl, and the all around average guy, and they walk through a bunch of levels beating the puss out of stuff for some reason or another.

Graphically, the game is… well, sub-par for the Playstation, but considering that it was one of the first titles to grace the system (and considering that it was up against the likes of Funky Horror Band for Sega CD as a contender for “worst near-launch title graphics”) I’d say it did quite well. The sound is, as well, nothing to write home about. Neither is the gameplay. In fact, the whole thing just screams of average, and it would remain so if it took itself seriously. As it is, the amount of bizarre doesn’t quite reach the level of Gourmet Sentai Barayarou for the SNES, with its nose-rocket-propelled moai heads and dance button, but it comes sort of close, with half of the second level being inside a whale (which eats you at the end of the first.) Inside the whale you’ll find boxing octopi and blobs of water with “H2O” written on ‘em. Weird.

It deserves some playtime though, even if the lack of Kunio is a bit of a disappointment. Given the… closeness of the game title and company name, I think TechnoSoft was specifically aiming to confuse people into thinking that this was a Kunio game, but it’s not. Shame on you, TechnoSoft! That’s bad business that is!
(editor's note: as said by me in the one other review on Backloggd, this was a PS1 launch title, and I probably only played it because Gideon Zhi's review and it being one of the only translated PS1 games at the time sold me on playing it)