Reviews from

in the past

Really wanted to love this game....the concept and art was so beautiful when it first came out...the gameplay is just NOT there.

I pretty much exclusively played single player community modules.
Standout Modules:
Honor Among Thieves
The Prophet Series

A Dance with Rogues was ok.

i dont have any particular memories of it, except for daelan for some reason LMAO. it was just very. classic rpg. i enjoyed it while it lasted, but i don't remember anything that particularly wowed me

Started several times and finished it once. I quite liked it as a kid, but even then I noticed that it didn't focus so much on story and group interaction. Back then I was expecting a kind of Baldur's Gate 3 and it wasn't that at all. It still had its strengths, especially the modding scene around this game was great, there was so much good stuff.

The main campaign is incredibly boring. Play modules or boot up Icewind Dale instead.

actually completed all expansions, except for hotud, i had help.

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