Reviews from

in the past

Um ótimo jogo se vc quer ter uma crise epiléptica com as luzes causados pela péssima jogabilidade.

Nota: 1/10 (☆) - Injogável

Estranhamente relaxante. É só você, seu carro, as luzes da estrada e o som do seu motor por 100 segundos. Em altas velocidades, com as luzes riscando a tela, você começa a parar de pensar e só fazer as curvas no instinto, tentando ir mais rápido e mais longe o quanto puder.

(BTW, minha primeira platina no Retroachievements)

Night Driver 1976 || Atari 2600
emulador pc

1-interacción: 1
2-mundo/apartado artístico: 1
3-concepto: 1
4-puesta en escena: 1
5-narración: -
6-sonido/apartado sonoro: -
7-jugabilidad: 1
8-historia: -
9-duración/ritmo: 0
10-impacto: 0



8.3 promedio

merece 0 estrellas,bien culero

Just too boring and repetitive.

I'll still like to play this over MW3

ah, this takes me back. not only to a time when an atari flashback was my only consistent source of video games, but also back to those suffocatingly quiet nighttime drives out to the pier with my father. my strange, probably-depressed father taking a stressful drive with a stressful kid after stressfully preparing for the trip out to where he could fish and just detense for once in his stressful busybody life. i don't think i understood then that trips like those were as important to him as they were to me, the kid eagerly running back and forth between where our poles were posted and the little snack shop a few hundred feet away. i can still feel the cold wind trying to fight its way into my windbreaker (pockets full of shoplifted oreos, of course). in-between the crunchy beeps and boops of night driver, i can hear the sounds of fishing lines endlessly reeling and casting, reeling and casting. maybe our drives involved a bit less violent car crashing and flashing lights? not sure. what i am sure of is that i will remember those drives and that pier and the nights we spent sleeping in the truck bed tent for the rest of my life. also, that i really like the vibes of atari 2600 games.

Played this when I was like 4 years old and was somehow insanely cracked at it. Having come back to it since I seem to have lost my touch, but it's still simple fun for a bit! For just how old this game is it holds up surprisingly well.

been playing for 37 hours when the fuck does ryan gosling show up

cue epilepsy

I cant be too mean to this game given its ambition and age and for the most part its a fun little distraction but it really feels like you're handling an out of control shopping trolley that throws a strobe fit at you if you crash.

The 3D representation is extremely simple and rudimentary, yet it still manages to be fun and surprised me in a positive way. Of course, there isn’t much to do and there’s no variation in gameplay.

Um dos primeiros jogos de corrida em primeira pessoa da história, o objetivo é bem simples, pilotar um veiculo com diferentes marchas de velocidade numa pista até o tempo acabar e tentar fazer uma boa pontuação.
Joguei primeiro a versão de Arcade, que é bem funcional e até que fluida, já a versão do Atari 2600, eu não gostei de nada, muito inferior a original em tudo pra mim.