Reviews from

in the past

I'm bad at this game but I still loved it.

I think I am bad at constructing wanted, yet incredible game

best game i'd never recommend

Finnish developers go hard(way too hard).

tipo um terraria só que lagado

kill shmeglin for 1 doubloon. Good physics.

this shit is so goated :100: :fire:

I don't understand the principle

eu queria MUITO saber jogar esse jogo

The annoying thing about this game is that, if you progress through it normally, it's just a simple if not tough roguelike that will most likely fuck you up with a single pixel of polymorphine.

And for the times you don't? Nobody tells you the game has far more to the map than it seemingly has. The secrets hide away from you. It does not want to be known.

As above, so below.

interesting but punishing game that you can find new things about every time you play

I'm not talented enough to play this game

içinde fizik barındıran oyun ne olursa olsun dikkat celbi hak eder. noita'nın içinde fizik, kimya, coğrafya, beden eğitimi ne ararsan var elhamdulillah. henüz bitirebiliğim bir run yapamadım ama yapar yapmaz bu log'u completed yapacağım. siteyi sevdiğimden değil ha amaç tarihe not düşmektir

Idk if I haven't dug deep enough yet but it seems too unreasonably difficult to have a good time. I don't think stepping on a random pixel that kills you is anything deeper than it actually is

This is arguably the hardest popular roguelike ever made, it is super pretty tho and the sound design is fenomenal

Beautiful woman, turn into deer. Be free...

i might be totally garbage at this game but my god it's good. i love how the environmental elements interact, and the wand system can allow for some bizarre but powerful combinations of attacks.

Unfortunately it's really difficult to get really good at this game. You have to spend quite a lot of time trying to prep for some of the later floors, and sometimes luck is just not on your side.

Wasn't really a fan of this game. It was solid but I don't see myself coming back to play this game.

after spending a lot more time with this game i can confidently say i think it's pretty neat :-) once you drill into your skull that you shouldn't ever get attached to your runs it's a really really enjoyable thing to just pick up and tinker with for a while

I've come to terms that I will never understand how to play this game.

game scientifically designed to induce schizophrenia

man i cant believe i havent reviewed this yet.
possibly my favorite game of 2020 and the least you know before playing it the better.

There are two types of roguelikes: ones that make sure you're not too overpowered, and ones that let you fuck shit up.

This game lets you fuck shit up. I would give it a perfect score if they weren't hiding all the extra content from me.

The best parts of the rougelike design taken to the extreme, knowledge is power especially when the best gameplay mechanic in a game is coding magic