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in the past

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Sad to say but I have to put a negative review on this game which is a shame really because the story is VERY very good. The issue is however that the game doesn't scale very well in difficulty. It scales about as well as if you were playing a JRPG and didn't grind nor buy any new equipment, despite me doing that in this game. I scoured for secrets and instead of making it seems like "You found a really awesome piece of a equipment, enemies can't touch you" or "You found a awesome sword that has the ability to stun" all it is, is a increase in damage which sounds nice and the upgrades you can get make some items 10x more effective, but the game seems to scale up to match this.

So much so that the part I was stuck on, the Orc had no armour or weapons (besides a giant stick) but the goblin had the equipment, so I end up dying as the enemies are fighting me in the same quality as if I was fully decked out in all the best gear I worked hard with side missions to get and even then it only made battle difficulty scaled down to just above average.

Most of these issues come down to the combat system. Fact is, you don't pause in combat but merely slow it down and as both your characters are melee types (if we were to label them classes, the Orc is a Barbarian and the Goblin is a Rogue) you have no ability to heal yourself. There is a potion ability the barbarian gets, but all that does is increase health regeneration which isn't the same thing.

Steal elements are a joke at times. Sometimes I'm able to kill one guard next to another one and other times not. When dogs get introduced one of the tips is (don't try to assassinate the dogs. They can also smell you from a mile away so be careful) yet I've killed guards that were standing right behind the dogs and they didn't notice. Even though you turn transparent when in stealth mode, moving in front of someone's vision will get you spotted.

It seems like there are many abilities and choices for an ability, which is locked in, unfortunately it seems the game is designed for a very specific ability choices and bonuses and to level your characters up in such a specific way that one mis-placed point and you will mess up your character. the creators were also responsible for that terrible Game of Thrones RPG which had an even worse combat system to it.

That only good thing about it is the story and the twist on it being your heroes are the creatures usually considered monsters and evil, but here they are being invaded and enslaved by the human Empire and their plan is to kill the Emperor in hopes of destroying or at least destabilising the empire and there is a religious side to it involving religious fanatics that have powers and spells.

I'd recommend you just watch the cut-scenes online or someone's let's play because the game itself is generally not very user-friendly and very unfriendly to first-timers on the game too.

Adoro a ideia de um jogo centrado na perspectiva dos orcs e goblins, mas ele é falho em pontos críticos. É um jogo muito restritivo no que você deve fazer para um stealthy, controlar os dois pode ser cansativo, falta inteligência artificial, enfim, boa intenção numa execução irregular.

Plusy: ciekawie wykreowany świat, fajni bohaterowie, głosy głównych bohaterów
Minusy: korytarzowe mapy, brzydka grafika, dziwny system walki