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in the past

same deal as outer wilds but trippier

I could see what they were going for here, the stranger was very nice but once you get past it everything just feels like a chore and is very hard to figure out. I barely had a fun time playing the latter half of the dlc and it felt like i was just following a guide because it was so hard to figure out not to forget the time limit too. I wouldn’t say it’s the worst though, compared to the base game it doesn’t hold a candle at all.

A certain few sections of this are wildly annoying and frustrating, but outside of that, Echoes of the Eye is another wonderful journey of discovery driven by your own curiosity.

I found the DLC to Outer Wilds to be just as intriguing and rewarding as the original game, with arguably a more compelling story. While Echoes of the Eye did feel a bit more linear and contained, I think that worked to its benefit with few exceptions, every discovery had a direct meaning that led to something else on the Stranger and before I knew it, all of the mechanics which initially felt foreign to me, felt like my second language. No other game does discovery and exploration like this which is why I really tried to beat this without any online assistance. I did obtain one hint after spending a third of my playthrough trying to figure out how to get into the music house without the owls catching me, but I think it would have taken me another few hours to finally figure out that one considering there are no direct hints about such in the game. Other than that, every puzzle felt super satisfying to accomplish, including that final sequence - putting together all the pieces that you've gathered along the way.

el theremín es el ingrediente final de uno de los mejores finales del videojuego

Somehow as good if not better than base game

A cool addition to the base game, but when by the end I was actively figuring out how to avoid certain game mechanics so that I didn’t have to deal with stealth sections that feel designed to make you fail over and over until it gets dull… well, let’s say it was far from the greatness of the base game, but it had some decent peaks at least. The ending kind of left me feeling more empty than fulfilled though. It doesn’t take away from Outer Wilds, but it also doesn’t add anything substantial or meaningful that the base game didn’t already do better.

Sort of get what they're going for, but trying to do the base game of exploring an environment and gathering info but entirely self isolated falls so flat that it removes all the appeal and charm of the original premise. Where before there were bread crumbs and a sense of keep exploring and eventually you'll find something, this just feels unintuitive and like I was scraping the walls to come up with solutions. Not even that scary.

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its like the base game, but condensed and refined into like an 8 hour experience. a great addition to an amazing game

O medo da mudança inevitável de um status quo condenou toda uma civilização

Had some points where it dipped a bit into tedium but it has the same strenghts of the base game while presenting you with something fresh.

Retroactively makes the base game better, literally peak DLC goals.

Ce DLC est un exploit miraculeux après avoir sorti le chef-d'oeuvre qu'est Outer Wilds. Si vous connaissez ce jeu vous savez que c'est LE jeu qu'on peut faire une seule fois dans sa vie, qu'on ne pourra pas revivre etc, mais contre toute attente, ce DLC à réussi à reproduire ce qu'on a vécu avec le jeu de base en (imo) MIEUX. Déjà ça commence fort, grâce au satellite très loin dans le système, les atriens ont vu une chose étrange sur l'une des photos du système. Alors en voyant ça on va voir de nos propres yeux et... Une chose, ronde qui passe devant le soleil apparait ? En fonçant dedans, on découvre qu'un gigantesque vaisseau était camouflé, avec une belle inspi Halo (j'imagine) bien bien stylé. En le visitant on se rend compte rapidement que ce n'est ni atrien, ni nomai, et le but va être encore une fois de comprendre pourquoi, comment, quand, qui ? Ce DLC arrive parfaitement à faire redécouvrir la formule parce que cette fois, c'est pas du texte, vu qu'on peut pas le traduire, mais des diapositives. Ce qui rend la chose encore plus intéressante de voir les êtres, comment ils réagissaient et tout ça vraiment visuellement. Je dois aussi dire que j'ai commencé ce DLC en sachant une seule chose, c'est qu'il était apparemment très flippant. Résultat, déjà que j'étais mal à l'aise de partir au satellite bien loin bien isolée dans l'espace, j'étais donc constamment avec une petite pression qu'à tout moment il se passe quelque chose dans cet environnement ayant l'air d'avoir été abandonné depuis bien longtemps. Les musiques ajoutées dans ce contenu sont tout simplement magiques et ont juste prouvées une fois de plus à quel point Andrew Prahlow (compositeur du jeu) est un génie dans son domaine. L'ambiance mi onirique mi terrifiante dans les parties plus avancées du DLC est vraiment excellente et le thème vert-bleu dans tout le DLC est super beau. L'histoire apportée est magiquement exécutée et parfaitement implémentée dans l'histoire de base sans la spoil pour autant ou quoi que ce soit, et ça nous ajoute une vision de tout le lore du jeu qui retourne le cerveau. Les énigmes ajoutées sont très ingénieuses et certaines sont vraiment compliquées à capter. La fin du DLC est vraiment exemplaire et tellement belle que la scène ou notre personnage retourne l'acte (si vous voyez de quoi je parle pour pas spoil) est sûrement un des moments qui m'a le plus marqué des jeux auquel j'ai joué. En plus d'ajouter une chose à la fin du jeu de base qui n'est CLAIREMENT pas négligeable étant donné que je n'arrive plus à voir (ou plutôt entendre) la fin de base sans l'ajout en question. Pour conclure je trouve que ce DLC a presque tout de parfait, et apporte à l'expérience Outer Wilds quelque chose qu'on ne pourra pas oublier au même titre que l'expérience de base. Merci pour ces chef-d'oeuvres.

As DLC for one of the strongest indie singleplayer titles around, Echoes of the Eye was well polished and added valuable content to the game. The experience lasted nearly as long as the base game for me (probably slow, not entirely sure) and was overall enjoyable. Some sections towards the end of the DLC aren't my favorite, but the entire experience was memorable.

and they capture the magic once more

Story 10/10, Characters 10/10, gameplay 10/10, graphics 10/10, I cried at the end, I cried really, really hard. I love this game with a burning passion, I think it does everything perfectly and I 100% recommend it to anyone reading this. I love you Morbius Gaming <3

Might update later since some stuff in this just left a bad taste in my mouth, but overall I just didn't really enjoy it as much as the main game. The time loop mechanic doesn't really gel as well as it does in the main game here and the stealth parts are just very whatever. For a game that's so effortlessly polished and creative in it's mechanics (including the central mechanics of this dlc!) the stealth sections just didn't really have anything unique to go for. So I suppose, in a way I am disappointed, though just by the really high bar the main game set. The story is still fantastic though, Maybe even more poignant than the main story for me. I really felt for these bipedal owl deer people.

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This dlc reaffirms what I said many months ago

Outer wilds is one of the greatest games ever made, dare I say one of the greatest pieces of art ever made, and echoes of the eye is probably the single greatest DLC for any game, right up there with Bloodborne’s old hunters dlc.

The stranger is such a cool location, the horror bits build greatly upon the dark bramble concept from the base game, the visual storytelling used here as opposed to the text based storytelling of the game is phenomenal, and despite its many horrors, it has a very wholesome ending and even adds some more wholesomeness to the main game’s ending.

If you loved outer wilds, obviously play this, part of me wishes I just played this with the base game but alas, I didn’t.

Even better than the base game because I didn't quite understand the way it was supposed to be played soon enough.
I had the luck to fully experience Outer Wilds with this DLC and ... i can just confirm what I said in the previous review.

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Like with the main game, I was kind of disappointed with the ending, but everything aside from that was still an amazing experience, extremely well executed and close enough to the quality bar set by the original that I have a hard time deciding if it's as good or a little less good than it. Just great work and so unique.

I can't say its as good as the base game but I don't think anything could ever be as good as the base game.

Não sou uma pessoa acostumada com jogo de terror. O tempo que demorei para terminar essa DLC é evidência disso. Mas o quanto que finalmente finalizar ela me gratificou e me deixou em paz foi algo que só se sente uma vez na vida.

Cuanto más descubría del juego menos me gustaba. Al final no era lo que esperaba, pero me gustó igualmente.

Korku kısımları, inanılmaz güzel olabilecek bir DLC'yi çöp ediyor resmen. Ana oyunda da korku unsurlarının olduğu yerler vardı (Bkz: Dark Bramble) ama hiçbiri buradaki ışıkları söndürmen gereken yerdeki kadar kötü tasarlanmış kısımlar değildi. Bir noktadan sonra korkmuyorsunuz da zaten, sadece boktan bulmacayı çözmeye uğraşırken kanser geçiyorsunuz.

Onun dışındaki her şey bildiğimiz Outer Wilds kalitesinde.