Reviews from

in the past

If AI made a platformer based on genre description from Wikipedia

I've been transported back to 2011 and iPod games are a thing again. The dogs in this have soulless, dead eyes. Anyways don't ask. Charging $30.00 for this is vile.

Like the Peppa Pig game I recently completed, I also got this game off that Fanatical Charity bundle. Once again I'm glad my money went to a good cause.

I didn't expect much out of this game lmfao, it's an IP I literally have no knowledge of. That said, its boring. I made it harder for myself by cutting the audio & subtitles so there was some challenge with finding the pawprints because the game really holds your hand throughout the entire playthrough, reminds me of flash games based on other children's properties. The game just seems to assume a child won't grasp anything so solutions are told to you outright.

This game is decent enough for parents to buy for their very young children to get them into videogames based on licensed properties they're into, but idk. If I had my own kids I'd put them on Mario because that easily does the job, or hell, Kirby. If not those two, Mickey & Spongebob have entry level games.

Boring platformer but kids will like it (probably)