Reviews from

in the past

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i really enjoy that this game is a little creepier than the others (not by much, its mostly just that one cutscene)
the letter from sophia made me cry so much, as well as katia explaining to anton that hes her grandfather </3
i just wish flora wasnt so ignored ☹️

Pandora's Box is a better name

The Layton series continues to be a great puzzle game to play either by yourself or with your partner whether you're traveling or settling down for bed - the puzzles and characters will keep you engaged

However we found that the story in Pandora's Box was heavily disjointed compared to Curious Village, and the payoff just didn't hit as hard as it could have.

Despite this, we look forward to starting the next one!

The weird using the manual to get the ticket thing blew my mind when I was like 7, this game rocks

This game makes you feel so awful everytime you fuck up brewing tea like... i'm out here trying my best and the professor wants me shot dead and rotting in hell for it

Don't really remember much from this one, but the tea set is my favorite of the trunk minigames in the original trilogy!

More or less on the level of the previous game. A nice, heartfelt story, well-made cinematics, banging sountrack. There seem to be a bit more annoying puzzles, which aren't really logical, but instead require the player to notice one weird detail (though the first game took me months to finish so I might be misremembering the scope of it). I do like the setting a bit more, I feel like the spooky atmosphere suits the series perfectly. I also like the improvements to storytelling in form of collectible diary entries. I never would've thought I would compliment something like that in a video game, but here the entries feel somewhat intimate, and actually matter if you consider the main story. You can sort of piece toghether what's going to happen and it's a really satisfying feeling - in a way, you're a part of Layton and Luke's story.

What I fucking hate though is the treatment Flora's character. Not only does she get left out in the beginning and then again halfway through the game, her character is solely used to build up Don Paolo for the third game. He doesn't even do anything interesting in this one - he just follows Layton and Luke for a while and then leaves like nothing happened. This is some MCU-level bullshit. I really hope it will pay off in the third game, but so far it felt like the trilogy wasn't really planned out in advance and the setups weren't all that great. If they didn't manage to think of anything for Flora to do they should've just made her stay in St. Mystere, and completely skip Don Paolo or at least write him better in this game.

But yeah - still a decent time. I'll check out the third game soon.

Bought this game for full price at a games store and it turned out to be a demo. I didnt get a refund

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this was the first ever game to make me cry, so i had VERY high expectations for it upon a revisit

so mark my disappoint about this replay when i liked it but didnt love it, and worse of all didnt cry at the ending (despite being much more open about my emotions). i think this just comes from having more media literacy though, and while the ending IS still emotional to me it hits a lot less hard when i've seen this kinda story of lost romance so much more often. i think if anton was introduced earlier and katia did more it'd have hit harder, tho the diary entries did help a bit. and id be lying if i said that the ending theme, iris, didnt still get me emotional as hell, even if not tear levels.

in many ways this is a better game than curious village. better puzzle variety, a better difficulty curve, a more interesting hook with a larger scope. very varied locales. great antagonist. SWORD FIGHT IS SO COOL. the final puzzle using a ds gimmick the rest of the game doesnt??? what the FUCK that's genuinely rad and inventive, and i felt like a genius working it out again just before writing this review lmao

but i do think the final reveals arent as well set up, the pacing is weird and all over the place, the photo pieces quest is just padding and backtracking and it SUCKS SO BAD, and poor. poor flora. she deserved better. why was she in this game? why was don paolo here??? i love paolo but like,,,, unnecessary tbh. and these issues do kinda cancel out those positives for me.

overall still a good time, but i do prefer curious village slightly more. next up is my fave in the series, and the one that has a final cutscene that always makes me cry.

tldr; good nostalgia trip but this game doesnt hold up for me personally, i like it but wish i loved it

really lovely game and story and i liked it more than curious village but jesus just don't put flora in it if you're going to shaft her like that

improved on the good parts of curious village. I enjoyed the story and the plot twist still makes me laugh

A huge improvement over the 1st game and is the strongest out of the OG trilogy. Also if I had a nickel every time a Japanese game featured a morally ambiguous man who lives in a perpetual now have a breakdown at the news of his wife’s passing I’d have two nickels

Can make you feel pretty stupid at times but a very fun satisfying game to play if you enjoy puzzles and brain teasers of all kinds. Add in a nice mystery story with lots of fun characters and you have a great formula. I will certainly be playing the third game and beyond.

sendo o segundo jogo da franquia, achei que tá no mesmo nível de qualidade do primeiro, com algumas melhorias e tem uma história muito boa. Por exemplo agora você pode desenhar em qualquer puzzle, o símbolo de quando tem alguma interação no cenário é diferente se ele for te dar um puzzle ou não (o que melhora muito a otimização de tempo).
mas apesar de eu ter achado tão bom quanto o anterior, algumas coisas me incomodaram um pouco, como o começo da narrativa e alguns aspectos serem mt parecidos com o do primeiro.
tem também o fato de ter alguns puzzles que não são nenhum pouco intuitivos, o que quase não tinha no outro jogo.

Me parece sensiblemente peor que el primero. Si, añade muchísimos más lugares y algunos tipos de puzzle nuevos, pero la mayoría no son tan interesantes. Además, más grande no es lo mismo que mejor. Creo que han invertido recursos donde no tocaba haciendo que la calidad de lo importante baje demasiado.

Revisiting this one as an adult, the ending hits different. Love that you get to explore a couple different places (not just one village). Atmosphere is great as usual

Ending still makes me cry to this day. Layton games have a way of telling you the most nonsensical stupid shit and then getting you to cry like a bitch anyway

Not sure if I ever finished this one but I remember liking it

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the first of many layton sword fights

took everything i liked about the first game and improved it. the main antagonist here is a lot cooler, and i feel the mystery and worldbuilding is a bit more investing.
genuinely why did they shaft flora so hard though

lightyears better than the first title: the difficulty curve is more linear and the puzzles now fit the context of the plot, and the story is very interesting although it doesn't make much sense

Professor Layton's glorious second adventure was released only nine months after his first and – I don't know how they did it – it is even better than The Curious Village! A wonderful and emotional story and brain-teasing puzzles make this an almost perfect sequel!
Ranked: My All-Time Favourites
Added: Games that (almost) made me cry

I couldn't finish the game since I borrowed it from someone and had to give it back. I did watch a let's play and it's pretty good overall, not my favorite in the franchise though.

Never played. I weirdly skipped over it. Need to in the future tho.

layton is SO cool i wish his video games were real