Reviews from

in the past

physics and bumps
better than blue archive

whoever called the shots on delisting this game has done a better service in racing genre than codemasters ever did

A empolgação inicial com a variedade de opções de carro é rapidamente atenuada pela presença notável de bugs que comprometem a experiência, já que tendo uma variedade tão grande de carros e pistas faz com que a consitencia na qualidade dos mesmos se perca. Embora seja divertido em vários momentos, a promessa de ser um simulador realista acaba sendo um exagero, revelando-se mais como um sim-cade complexo. A complexidade adicional oferece momentos envolventes, mas é importante ajustar as expectativas quanto ao realismo. Em resumo, um jogo que entrega diversão, mas a fama de realismo pode ser exagerada; ideal para quem busca um sim-cade mais complexo, mas não para os puristas do realismo. Bugs referente a interface, questões técnicas, inteligencia artificial dos oponentes e fisíca de alguns carros acaba deixando o jogo bem abaixo doque ele realmente poderia ser. Em quesito performance, o jogo sofre muito em consoles da geração passada, no caso do Xbox One o jogo sofre com bugs, quedas de frames e visual defasado, especialmente na chuva, o jogo oferece corridas com alto numero de oponentes e diferentes categorias de carros, porém, o mesmo quebra nos consoles quando o número de oponentes é superior a 12, oque é um número baixo em competições automobilisticas.

Um dos melhores simuladores do mercado, muito completinho.

Kinda janky physics but good fun. IndyCar was what kept me coming back to it

This game had a lot of potential of being probably being one of the best sim racing titles on consoles. But overall, it's just ok. Physics are fine until you slightly hit a curb and get thrown the other direction including hitting a puddle in the rain. Annoying bugs like pitting and having your tire pressures sky rocket making your car undrivable. Car detail is nice and some tracks are actually laser scanned which is nice. PC3 could've been a great successor, but we know how that ended.

total let down controls confusing, game play experience is excruciating. I wanted this to be good.

Tiene el mismo problema que el 1, un onboarding penoso

This fucking game always appears on Google when I want to search for Pixar Cars 2 Videogame mods

Great sim racer all around, with an incredible amount of cars and tracks to pick from, even if the handling can be a little iffy, especially on a controller. Shame it had to be delisted.

Better than the first, and was a fun game for awhile until they did something to make the game unplayable and undrivable.

Hearing the revs of a old mustang fills me with joy

The game is almost perfect, the graphics are absolutely amazing. The big amount of cars and tracks are going to keep you busy for a long long time, the career mode is amazing and well designed, but outside driving there isn't anything that makes you really think you are getting somewhere.
The best way to play this game is with a steering wheel as this game is a pure racing simulation. Every track can be driven at any time of the day with snow, rain, heavy rain, fog, etc... The only problem with this game is that some cars are not easy to control without the right setup and you will probably need to spend many hours finding the best setup for each track, and also the fact that this is not a racing game meant for playing on a controller. ( what I want to say is that it is not easy to adjust the controller as perfect as in GT Sport, Dirt, Grid )