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in the past

I have the feeling that this game has been a bit overlooked compared to the other Supergiant games and I can't explain why. In terms of quality, it is in no way inferior to other games like Bastion or Transistor. The gameplay is very unique but also very innovative and cool. I don't know any other game that plays like this...maybe Fifa? :D So if even someone like me, who wouldn't touch sports games if their life depended on it, develops an interest for a soccer-esque game, this game must be doing something right.

pas pour moi. l'histoire n'a pas réussi à m'investir, malgré quelques personnages au design cool et interessant. Lourdeur du visual novel qui envoie non stop du nouveau lore, et gameplay un peu trop repetitif et creux a mon sens + déséquilibre de proportion entre les 2 phases. interessant de voir ce qu'ils ont récupéré pour hades.

Don't hear many people talk about this game in the Supergiant collection, somewhat understandably considering its genre, which is basically a Visual Novel RPG combined with Fantasy Sport. A daring concept they make work flawlessly

gameplay is a bit static with the other characters not moving by themselves, story is what holds it together, still took me months of on and off play to finish it

as expected of supergiant, the visual presentation and audio are fantastic, and ofc the story is fun. the map of the world is so gorgeous and traversing it with the ever-expanding blackwagon is amazing. i also just love this kind of storytelling where you are just dropped into this world and have to put the pieces together without ages-long lore dumps

generally enjoyed the interactions between story and gameplay a lot. sandalwood describes it outright at some point, but there's this delightful texture between the companions you use most gaining most exp -> thus being most likely to be sent off and hurt your chances later if you never git gud at others -> tenuous promise of freedom vs community you already built -> stories of your companions vs your adversaries'... i wouldn't call the decisions nailbiting but it was definitely memorable. i've lost one of the rites and didn't redo it bc it just didn't feel right. and my first choice of a sendoff was kinda terrible like i shoulda lost smh

progression is nice too, companions get two trees of talents and you also have talismans for additional abilities and boosts + serums and what not in later game

i do wish there was some kind of story mode though bc by the time of like rite 16 my left hand started dying so badddd but well we prevailed <3

my only issues would be:
- verticality is kinda hard to read and bc of that kinda annoying to either use or counter
- i feel like some ability trees could have gone further... but it's a short game so i Suppose it's ok. but smth about the balance feels off, maybe i just suck at some characters like [redacted] though
- this one is like 90% on me but switching between allies just doesn't... feel good... i would usually zero in on using one of my guys hsdfhs so the trials being like "you can only use one exile" was kinda funny Yeah well i do it anyway most of the time sorry... kinda blows bc of the whole three as one idea, but it's just so slowww
- why can't i kiss my companions smh. at least they learned and added romances in hades but i would sacrifice zagreus and megaera to satan for one cornchip for a chance to have crazy gay sex with jodariel

I still haven't finished this, but this is genuinely one of my fav sport games. More people need to play this.

There’s no total happy ending in Pyre. Not everyone can escape the eternal prison of The Downside, and crushing your opponents in The Rites may not be the best decision for your own moral sanity. Pyre has a lingering and bittersweet ending that has stuck with me well after the credits rolled. Combine those rich character interactions with incredible production values, original art and world, an addicting and original gameplay loop, and a terrific score from Darren Korb it’s safe to say that there’s a winning formula that Supergiant Games keeps excelling and improving upon. What comes next from this talented developer is a total mystery to me, but I’ll be there for whatever they dream up next.

Full Review:

Hell yeah to this game. Though I have a feeling that my choices were somewhat less impactful than the game portends, Pyre offers a fun mix of narrative weight and fantasy basketball, which plays quite smooth and satisfyingly. It's a great cast of characters too, and I almost want to replay simply just to build up certain bonds in different directions than on this specific playthrough.

Best story/worldbuilding Supergiant's done so far, but the gameplay loop is so ass that minus one star

Feels like a mix between the party interaction of Fire Emblem and the gameplay of NBA Jam. While it controls well, your first playthrough won't offer much challenge at all. Still, Pyre makes up for it with fun characters, personalized narrative moments depending on your party configuration, and an absolutely decadent atmosphere. I wish every character had a more satisfying ending, but it's hard when there are so many of them.

Fico tão triste como esse ganhou tanta pouca atenção.

It's really good and original, a must play for me

Pyre is a resoundingly "okay" game that was honestly pretty good but unfortunately the runtime went a little longer than I felt it needed. For me it was a typical Supergiant experience: Top of the line visuals (namely in character design,) impressive work put in an original world, a dedicated Darren Korb soundtrack, and a unique gimmick that drives gameplay. I liked it quite a bit more than Transistor and Bastion, though not as much as Hades, because I felt like the gameplay loop until you have to repeat it ad nauseum was fairly entertaining. Space basketball is a pretty neat concept and I'd like to see it explored more in a game down the line, but the loop felt a little stagnant as Pyre went on. I will say that initially I was upset that I had to change up my party as the game went on to get the actual ending of the game, but I appreciated the nuances different character archetypes brought to Pyre. Ultimately I felt like some of battles against NPC's felt like they were simply waiting for my reaction or cheating the AI reaction timing to certain things, but overall it was fine.

In the end, I found Pyre to be a simply "good" game and nothing really more than that. The runtime went a bit longer than my liking, but I'd consider this to be one of Supergiant's better titles. I'd recommend it to anyone who can catch it on sale or is a fan of their material in general.

Great Visual Novel / Sports game, all the characters are likeable. The game is pretty easy even on heightened difficulty, if you play with the right team, sometimes the AI cheeses you by jumping into your pyre in less than one second leaving you with no time to react.

Don't remember a single thing besides the caravan

I may not be the only person for whom Pyre is their favourite Supergiant game, but I don't suspect there are many of us.

As with any game from this studio the gorgeous visuals and Korb soundtrack are worth the price of admission. But I also love everything else. The cast are a joy. I love that winning or losing the basketball holy rites doesn't matter for progress but simply what it means for the characters. And a fantasy world with strange fantasy species and elaborate fantasy religions is the peak of my bullshit.

so far, one of the only Supergiant games that actually connected with me (Hades is up next in my backlog so this may change) but good lord the mechanics causes so much rage I dont see myself picking it up again in the near future

The Banner Saga bez sněhu. Jinak však Supergiant Games převzali její koncept sakumprdum čili opět je to dílem vizuální novela, kdy občasně zasáhnete do děje svým rozhodnutím, která má důsledky. Opět se staráte o statistiky své party. Opět putujete po světě/mapě zleva do prava. Akorát střety tu neprobíhají formou tahové partie. Tady se konflikty řeší skrze fantasy variaci na pouliční basket.

Ano, posledních pět slov jste nepřečetli špatně. Vskutku to je pouliční basket ve fantasy hávu. Máte trio schopnostmi i vlastnostmi rozdílných hráčů "na hřišti" a vždy v jeden moment můžete ovládat jen jednoho. Zní to divně? Je to divné. Ovšem neskonale zábavné. V menu je i možnost čistě oněch zápasů bez příběhové omáčky, ve kterých můžete hrát proti počítači či lokálně s kámošem. Citelně (zatím) chybí online podpora, tohle by se s trochou změn klidně uchytilo ve stejném ranku jako nedávné NBA Playgrounds či díky té šílenosti skoro až Rocket League.

A to je tak nějak vše. Čtete dobře napsané dialogy, na postavách vám záleží, utkání jsou mrtě zábavná, děj vaši pozornost udrží, vizuálně je to hodokvas hodný umístění na pracovní plochu v každé obrazovce a hudebně jde o nejhravější i nejepší doprovod za hodně dlouhou dobu. Jedinou vadou na kráse je, že pasáže vizuální novely mají tendenci být neopodstatněně ukecané, kdy se mnohdy mlátí prázdná sláma. Sice bez výjimky čtivě, ale jít někdy rovnou k jádru pudla by nebylo od věci.

Výsledkem je tedy originální mišmaš, který se prezentuje jako RPGčko, ale RPGčkem není, částečně jako strategie, ale strategií není a vůbec nikde se nezmiňuje, že je to v jádru dějová sportovní hra. A zatraceně dobrá.

this game is a bizarre mix of genres but by god does it work for me

I think compared to their other games, this one flew a bit under the radar and it saddens me a bit

if you liked spiritfarer then I imagine you'd like the "dismissal" mechanic at play here, too

This review contains spoilers

Hay veces que cuando menos te lo esperas te encuentras con uno de los mejores indies que has jugado nunca. Este es el caso.

Una dirección artística PRE-CIO-SA, una Banda Sonora traída desde el cielo y una retahíla de personajes memorables, todo bien mezclado en coctel de visual novel y "mini juego de voleibol"... Te queda una experiencia indescriptible y única para cada uno.

Su forma de llevar el final me parece también muy original (no todos se van a poder salvar), así que toca tomar decisiones y aquí las decisiones si que importan. Y mucho... ya que al fin y al cabo estas ayudando a crear una revolucion.

No me iré por las ramas; tanto su loop jugable como cada apartado del juego están cuidados al milímetro y su final, aunque agridulce a su modo, te deja uno de los mayores regustos de "trabajo bien hecho" que he visto en mucho tiempo.

Juego histórico, un must si me preguntas (por encima de Hades incluso) y una de las mayores sorpresas que me he llevado.

Merci SuperGiantGames pour ce poulet

Join a colourful cast of rebel highflyer,
To snuff the flame and ascend to choir,
As Falcon Ron hums the fine tune of plier,
In this big, small indie game of Pyre.

Inacreditável que esse jogo é tão divertido assim
Nunca esperaria, gema escondida 100%

basketball with mario kart items and religion