Reviews from

in the past

Worth playing for the visuals alone, especially if you’re into Oddworld-esque graphics / artstyle. Final area and it’s boss is ridiculously long though and I was ready to beat the game an hour prior to actually finishing it

Kinda boring
I was having a decent time with the game and then I got to the final level and final boss which sucked so much ass that it drastically lowered my opinion on the game. Oof.

This game is kinda weird and uncanny, but not in a bad way per se! I had a fun time with this one.

a bruxa me traumatiza desde o PS2

Wish they didn't made PS3's PSN inacessible because I really wanted to keep up with this from there, but apparently only Xbox is the way for this specific remaster. Wish they will port it.

From what I played from the demo: it's an ok 3D platform with wacky nonsense dialogues you would('nt) expect from a Rayman game.

not the best rayman game but its still solid

Story is servicable gameplay really good and graphics ahead of its time

A decent 3D platformer with a dose of combat. The platforming feels neat and challenging, the combat even tho repetitive, always gets me on the edge and provides enough fun during combat sections.
Overall a solid Rayman game, even tho, a bit inferior than Rayman 2. The HD port could've been released onto different platforms rather than being stuck on the PS3 and XBOX 360.

Echo de menos los Rayman en 3d y este sin duda es uno de los juegos que marcó mi infancia. No es un plataformas que destaque especialmente en ningún aspecto jugable, pero tiene una atmósfera imbatible y su música y ambientación me transportan a tiempos mejores.

Me encanta, ojalá Ubisoft se olvide de los rabbids del demonio por una vez y recupere esto porque es oro puro.

Top tier track: The Fairy Council - Entrance Hall