Reviews from

in the past

My favorite game in the series, but this aged like milk

The OG is kind of fun to run through, but I see it as more of a stepping stone proof of concept compared to its immediate sequel and its remake. The voice acting, however, especially for Barry, is eternal and undying

Amazing! Good franchise start.

Começo do Começo, não se tem o que dizer. Um 7 tá de bom tamanho

The first video game I remember witnessing. I still love it to this day. It's extremely dated and I know people hate on this version of the soundtrack, but I absolutely love this game. It's a big part of my childhood and introduced me to the horror genre.

Your first experience with a genre or a franchise should be something memorable and something that makes a good impression, and surprisingly this game has left a very good impression on me. Sure, Resident Evil may be a bit of a clunky game, but I think even with that I've been able to appreciate the good things this game has going for it.

First of all, the atmosphere is eminent and without a doubt the game's strongest point. Exploring a lonely mansion with a bunch of strange and gloomy rooms and places is something that somehow evokes comfort, but at the same time a certain unsettling feeling because of the fact that there can or could always be a zombie or a monster lurking around, or because there are nasty things scattered around. Somehow it manages to become a very familiar place that invites you to explore it and unravel the mystery that engulfs it.

Doing puzzles and collecting items is something you'll do quite often, and I like how the mansion opens up little by little and how it makes you revisit previous locations in order to make your way to new paths or because you simply forgot where you were going. Certainly in the long run it becomes a bit tedious, because the progression is a bit slow, especially considering that many doors are locked by keys and that the space in our inventory is very limited and you have to choose carefully what objects you want to carry, because although in the save points you can access a chest that can store virtually all objects, Our character can only carry 6 at a time and maybe some of them could be useful, or on the other hand, carrying too many objects could be counterproductive because you will not be able to carry with you all the new objects that you discover, so sometimes you will have to go back and turn around a lot. Also the fact that the amount of times you can save game is limited is a bit irritating, as you never know when it's the right time or when you're using this precious resource in vain. Anyway, as clunky and annoying as all of the above may seem, it turns out to be something that enhances the experience, as everything is designed this way on purpose to create tension, and that combined with the atmosphere, makes Resident Evil able to suck you in and transport you into its world in an extraordinary way.

The music gives a depressing and gloomy tone to the lifeless rooms that could have been the tomb of an unfortunate scientist. This game features prerendered scenarios, and the camera angles contribute a lot to that feeling of uncertainty. The files contain interesting information that although sometimes have a bit of a "goofy" tone they still give a bit of depth to everything that is going on and makes you more interested in their universe and what is really going on. Even though the story can be a bit of a joke because of those voice performances, in a way it also has its charm and for the time it was a type of plot that had possibly been seen very few times in a video game.

Resident Evil is very rudimentary and arguably unpolished and unrefined, but it is one of those experiences that you should play at least once in your life because of how unique and different they are and to understand why they were important. It is not a pleasant game to play, but I think that's what makes it special, it is that kind of cases where the game may not be relatively good today for its gameplay, but that is why as an experience it is able to stay in your mind as a good pleasant memory, which in my case, I do not regret having played.

Additional comments regarding the review:
- I played this game with a restoration patch that removes the censorship from the cinematics and replaces the soundtrack with the original.
- I played this game only in Chris mode.

The soundtrack is ridiculous, but I kind of love it. The English voice acting is so unbelievably corny that the weird music fits right in and makes it feel like a really low budget movie.

an inferior version of the classic; the new angles are kinda cool on paper but they detract from the gameplay, the new ost is mostly insulting (although i adore rebecca's theme, which was arranged into RE0's save room, as well as the save room theme itself) and i have very mixed feelings about it. the new arrange mode is cool in a way, with some new jumpscares and other things moved around but it felt like a slog with the beefed up encounters...

The original RE is a great game, but holy shit does the music on this version suck balls.

Eu sou burro, usei muito guia, muito savestates, e mesmo assim foram qse 7 horas de jogo. Gostei, sempre desejei jogar até o fim. Muita porta!

I knew playing as Jill was gonna be an easier time, but I didn't expect it to be turbo baby dumb mode. Still a good time, but goddamn I'm so happy I played as Chris the first time. Can't believe most people recommend just playing as Jill smh 🤦

"This game kicks, but the music ain't it, it really needs some orchestral kind of stuff. And the analog stick support without actual analog input would be great." - no one ever

The original game is amazing. Regular Director's Cut is a pretty good re-release - it adds Advanced/Arrange mode and the baby difficulty, but for some reason tones down "original" difficulty as well. And this re-re-release is the same, but also changes the soundtrack to the one made by a talented ghost composer for a talented liar who convinced everyone he's Japanese Beethoven.

New tunes are generally not as bad as you may think judging by the reputation of this edition, but they're just unnecessary and inconsistent as hell. Some of them sound really well and some aren't necessarily bad, but noticeably worse fit for the scenery than the originals. And some are the basement abomination everyone loves bringing out, but actually that's the only horrible one, seems more like a mistake.

And for some reason they cut the end credits movie, now it's just a text on the plain black background regardless of the ending. Not sure why, probably because it didn't really work with the new credits music or something. Still a shame.

This version might be worth it for replays, just for the different soundtrack novelty. But your first playthrough should be either the original release, or non-DualShock Director's Cut depending on the difficulty you want.