Reviews from

in the past

Stuffin' my face with worms, don't look at me.

a personificação de sofrimento em mídia digital

legal com amigos, mas fica cansativo

Best game to play over covid

Barril, mais pólvora, vou fazer barcos com o couro deles, canhão

A tripulacao multiverso retornara?

would be better if it was possible to play shorter sessions without feeling like you're wasting your time

A tripulação Multiverso não está morta.

Amazing game to play with friends (if you have any), wish it had more solo or PVE content as I dislike playing PVP games in general especially solo.

Forced PVP is a big no. Safer Seas introduction it a step in good direction but still rather limited experience when it comes to restrictions compared to PVP server. If they ever introduce better solo/ PVE experience I will come back to increase the score.

this game is a blast to play with friends but it can get repetitive

Unfortunately, and after a few attempts, I just couldn’t get into this one. It just had no draw to keep me coming back, it failed to get it’s ‘hooks’ in me you could say.

I’ll give the game it’s fair due, the ship combat is mechanically impressive and with friends fighting at sea, it can be a jolly good time, not to mention all the sea shanties you can play. The graphics, while cartoon-esc are really quite good, the art design is great and the sea! To put it bluntly, I don’t think I’ve seen better oceans.

However, I think that’s where my praises have to end. The game is so slow, there’s so much busy work to do anything and none of it is compelling. This isn’t helped by the outright poor land/off-ship combat, there’s just no feedback to any of the attacks, especially the sword, it feels so inconsistent how much damage you’re doing. I can’t emphasise enough how much this lets the game down, especially being a pirate themed game. Aside from that I could not find any drive to actually do anything in the game, there’s no real progression, everything you do is for gold and the purchase of cosmetic items. This might be a me problem but that just doesn’t give me a reason to want to play the game.

Overall if you want to spend a night or two having a laugh with friends, maybe give this a go to kill some time, however I’d arguably say there are plenty of better games to play together instead. In the end I found myself getting bored rather quick with this one and I’m walking the plank to get away from it.

Not a fan of the always online service plus this an online game that requires a minimum of 4 people to play fully (The amount of friends I have to play this game is limited).I also don't like the 108 GB of space needed to play this game. My desktop space is limited as is.

Also the gameplay loop of where you just grind for cosmetics and nothing else doesn't appeal to me. The only positive I can give this game is that the ship handling and sea graphics is nice

Love this game, the content post-launch has been pretty good about adding new things.

Absolute garbage lost 2.5 hours worth of FISHING due to server migration. Can sometimes be interesting

This is not a game and marketing it as such is a scam
This is an early alpha test that some buffoon accidently hit publish on

Not a great game, but was very fun with friends back in the day and is easily my favorite pirate game.

Nothing like sailing with the boys and BAM! a Ghost ship outta nowhere

A tripulação Multiverso prevalecerá

Maybe I'll get back into this someday, considering I still have the primal itch to dig up vast amounts of treasure.

At its core, it's a perfect game. However, it's all the other stuff that detracts from it, namely:

- Occasionally toxic playerbase

- High time commitment

- Low reward for that time commitment

But, y'know, you get to be a goddamn pirate. That's good enough for me.

This is what all live service games should strive to be like. after over 6 years sea of thieves is still going strong with a loyal fanbase, multiple collaborations with Disney and updates that keep the game feeling fresh and intersting. Sea of thieves truly has something for everyone: more into story centred games? tall tales. Like PvP? The hourglass. Only play single player games? Safer seas. Skull and Bones could never.

Queria muito ter jogado no auge, infelizmente só pude jogar em servers fantasmas.

Jogo massa pra jogar com os amigo, dá pra ficar umas 600 horas com coisa pra fazer fácil, mas depois fica repetitivo.
"Arruma a vela tamo contra o vento man"

One of my favorite co-op experiences. While there isn't anything materially valuable that can be grinded for in this game, there is still plenty of fun to be had sailing across the seas with your friends. Danger hides around every corner, whether it be a ghost ship full of NPC skeletons wanting to rip your arms off or a sloop of rival players trying to nuke your ship with an explosive barrel. Very healthy design philosophies; the only difference between life and death in this game is your skills. You can deck your ship out with as many cosmetics as you'd like but you're still just as vulnerable as a player who just got the game. Does get fairly repetitive after a while to the point where you just want to drop the game and never play again but your first experience with this game is guaranteed to be a good one.

One of the most innovative, sand-box driven multiplayer experiences I have ever encountered. Unique, artful, dynamic, charming and a joy with friends. Although core tasks might seem repetitive at a surface level, the world invariably lends countering dynamism through every session.

If you can get past the risk of grieving from unfriendly pirates, Sea of Thieves shines as a beautiful open world sandbox for you and your friends to embark on voyages permeating stunning art direction, satisfying progression, and endless shenanigans.

i said nah watch it and fell off of the ship

I can't enjoy that much the game properly when I know that Rare is behind it