Reviews from

in the past

Good game, but it loses points due to the camera being so dookey that it gave me motion sickness.

Bom jogo para oque se propõe, não estava hypado mas me impressiono trilha sonora muito boa mesmo, mas é um jogo bem lento.

The 9th boss was so bad it made me quit. Otherwise i really liked this game the word is simply beautiful and the bosses were quite fun and it is a fair game. The 9th boss has made me feel very agitated and i don’t think i’ll be picking this game up again though because of it.

Eu estava jogando novamente e ele é muito divertido, gosto dos puzzles e das lutas com os colossus, é algo que relembra a minha infância. Tento sempre jogar ele a cada ano que passa

Anyone who criticises the control scheme of this game is a coward and will not be seeing the gates of heaven.

this game would be perfect if the controls weren’t janky af

Eu mal posso espera pra jogar isso em 4k no meu PC, mas a experiencia que estou tendo no ps4 está sendo INCRIVEL

the ungodly restraint to create a vast open world and not populate it w side content +

As a general rule I can't really be bothered with bleak games or things that make me feel bad but Shadow of the Colossus is a banger and there's just no way of getting over that.

eu nunca mais quero ver um lagarto na minha frente

Arrampico e spado su grossi mostri

Thy next foe is... the shittiest and most frustrating controls I've ever seen. And for a remake that's inexcusable, cause weren't the new controls one of the selling points of the remake? I tried the original and I literally can't tell the difference.
I guess this just isn't for everyone and it's definitely not for me. I like mysterious and ambiguous storytelling and developers getting creative, I understand how epic and cinematic this looks but I don't get the unanimous praise when the gameplay is still so frustrating and ultimately boring

i don't know how they did it. but after ico they made just two of my favourite games of all time. shadow of the colossus is deeply-touching, please, if you have the chance to play it, it is a must-play, I LOVE this game so much it is insane

The art direction, story/mood, and creative direction in this game are all phenomenal, but the gameplay was so frustrating that it made it really difficult to appreciate those things while playing, and while I look back on my time with it. Wander, Agro, and the camera all control like a drunk man who has had so much alcohol that he looks as if his point of gravity is always moving. This is the biggest problem with the game, it can be so frustrating to just do anything and this takes my attention away from how cool most of the colossi encounters actually are ( the bird, sandworm, and giant flying guy being the best imo). This does not mean that there are no bad colossi though, the 9th, 11th and last are horrible imo, it was incredibly frustrating to get all three of those to behave the way the game wants you to. My main takeaway with this game is I would have enjoyed it a whole lot more if the game didn’t control so badly at all times.

Wow, honestly how did it take me this long to play this? Outstanding game. Talk about ZERO FILLER. Every boss battle is a banger, except for maybe two (water level curse). That's the gameplay side of it, simplicity to the max. You ride a horse to the next battle, fight, then repeat.

What really makes this something special is the atmosphere, the art, the presentation, the music - the fucking cryptic as hell story. The mystery grabs you in from the start. Who's is this kid? Who's the girl? Why are they here? What are the colossi? What's the deal with this sword? This horse? The game goes on and nothing gets clearer. Then the ending comes in BANGING. It's pretty much intro - gameplay - ending. It's fucking glorious. It gives you something to hold on to, but still leaves you hanging, curious, imagining.

THE BATTLES MAN. Some of them are just GLORIOUS. EPIC STUFF. You really get tense, full immersion.

The only thing is: the camera is kinda shit. I mean, when you are riding the horse it forces itself into some big cinematographic shots that are really beautiful. But when you are traversing a colossal it does some weird locks and it’s kinda clunky. I guess that’s what you get when you choose artistry over practicality. Also, the horse is kinda clunky too.

Can’t stop thinking about this game man, it’s so incredible. Gotta give 5 stars even with these technical issues.

Achei esse jogo incrível, as batalhas são sensacionais, a ambientação, as paisagens são lindas e a trilha sonora combina demais.
Gostei da brisa do final.

Vale a pena demais, fiquei arrepiado várias vezes, animal família

This game is good. HOWEVER there is a MASSIVE caveat. The boss ai's can be amazingly stupid and sometimes you just have to wait and bait bosses for several minutes so you can exploit their weakness and climb on. The controls can also be jank asf and make you fall off completely or clip through or something stupid. Aside from the negatives the game is still super good when it wants to be and the colossus fights feel amazing when you're scaling them. The isolationist feel of the world helps tremendously as well and the graphics are on point.

Muy chulo!! Pero me daba mucho mareo la camara :(

Queria muito terminar, uma pena que é exclusivo e eu não tenho mais videogame

Phenomenal remaster with solid replayability in the form of mirror mode, new game plus, and time trials. Bluepoint also managed to add a set of hidden collectables made to entice those fans of SOTC that want more to discover in the Forbidden Lands. One thing that does come to mind as I play is that something was lost in translation from the original to the remaster since some of the bloom and things that aesthetically made the original as iconic as it is. Don't misunderstand, this version is beautiful and absolutely worth the time. Seeing things rendered with this level of detail is something to behold whether you're a new player of Shadow of the Colossus or someone who has loved the game since its original release.

This is one of my favorite games ever made. I do understand how people feel as this remaster does change things artistically from the original PlayStation 2 version, but I feel like the game's graphical uplift does have its own charm too.

The game is visually phenomenal and its gameplay is pretty much the same as the original, there's no changes to anything as far as I know. The story and gameplay is the exact same. I think the only changes that exist might be some trophy changes, which I wouldn't be able to tell as I never played the PS3 version.

But I love this game dearly, and the experience I had with this game was one I could really only have once. Each boss was a giant scale battle where I had to really think about what my next move would be, understanding their patterns and just the scale of everything left me in awe. Knowing this was a PlayStation 2 game made me appreciate it even more. Its story, despite being a silent one, still made me very invested.

I would recommend this game to anyone who has a PlayStation 4, just to experience this and to understand how video games can truly be art.

My friend and I switched each boss and it was really fun. Start date is wrong cuz we played very irregularly but a ballpark. Played on hard difficulty which I think was very good experience. My favorite part of the game was the boss designs holy moly :D my least favorite part was the plot :)

Amazing game. Played the original version back in the day on my old PS2. Finished this again on my PS4 when I got the chance to replay it.

A work of art, truly distinct from all other games.

Shadow of the Colossus takes the concepts of platform puzzles and intimidatingly huge bosses and combines the two for a unique result and gaming experience.

The boss is the level, as you climb each one and figure out environmental things that may help you get across the fight. The game might come across as relatively easy, but it is Ueda’s signature “subtracting design” that also helps the player feel more immersed and conscious of their surroundings. The game wants you to simply take in the scenery sometimes, and I absolutely adore that attitude.

So far the Team Ico trilogy has involved engaging puzzles, amazing art, unique approaches to gameplay, and wonderfully balanced senses of loneliness and companionship. Here’s to hoping the Last Guardian continues delivering!

Jogo excepcional, talvez o único defeito que Shadow of The Colossus tenha é o fato de eu já telo jogado, toda ambientação, gameplay, história é tudo muito bom para se repetir, mas meu ponto é que a sensação, a atmosfera de experimentar este jogo pela primeira vez é ÚNICA, a sensação de solidão, medo, curiosidade, imponência daquele universo sobre aquele garoto que tu controla é algo impressionante, lembro da tensão de cada momento que sentia enquanto jogava isso com meus 10, 12 anos. A primeira vez que vi o Valus em uma demo que meu primo tinha no play dele, foi indescritível, a dúvida, tensão de não saber o que fazer, como enfrentar aquela besta e quando entende, a sensação de erro ao estar matando aquele colosso é assustadora, lembro que não matava mais de um colosso pq a carga de cada batalha era pesada demais para continuar, porra a emoção de enfrentar o Gaius a primeira vez era muito mágico...

Mas falando do jogo, Shadow of The Colossus Remake é muito bem feito, todo ambientação, gráficos lindos, melhoraram, porém não é tão necessário, o jogo de ps2 continua incrivelmente lindo, a física permanece a mesma e como eu acho foda a movimentação do Wander, toda reação dele aos colossos, ambiente é incrível, movimentos atrapalhados acrescenta muito ao personagem, a dificuldade dele para subir na Agro é muito bom, é um moleque inexperiente fazendo de tudo para salvar a pessoa que ama, acrescenta tanto ao personagem sabe.

A história é muito abstrata, deixa muito para o jogador interpreta-la, logo no início já é apresentado toda a motivação do personagem, salvar a Mono, dai pra frente esse universo vai te gerar muitas perguntas e algumas vezes sem resposta, ai vai contigo pensar e interpretar.

A gameplay infelizmente perde um pouco quando tu já conhece o game, o grande desafio é descobrir a maneira de enfrentar os colossos para min que já zerei algumas vezes se torna muito fácil, joguei no hard sem rushar e terminei em menos de 5 horas, mas ainda é irado, sabe aquelas cenas épicas, plásticas que acontecem geralmente em cutscene, nesse jogo é na gameplay, é muito emocionante toda a batalha, épico...

Fumito Ueda por favor faça alguma obra nova!
E sony vamos trazer pro PCzin as obras da Team ICO pelo amor de DEUS!

Too tired to write a review cuz it’s 5 am, but one soon

Finished playing Shadow of the Colossus.

The visuals of this game were absolutely amazing, even in the places where the land was barren and empty the graphics were still out of this world. The different settings where you fought the bosses looked stunning and the bosses themselves had some unique designs, I felt like my eyes were being blessed every time I played this game. That being said some of the bosses were very annoying to go against (especially 11th colossus) and it definitely made the game less enjoyable for me. Overall one of the best looking games I’ve played.

Idk what I’m gonna play next…