Reviews from

in the past

Fun game and combat. I love collecting plastic!!!

this game was MY childhood. i got like 300 skylanders from all the games. I wish my disc drive didn't break

Every level is the same, all alternate paths are just incentives to pay up for more overpriced toys. All that to say, pretty fun to play co-op.

Jeu incroyable dommage qu'il fallait acheter des figurine d'une catégorie spécifique pour pouvoir avancer dans certain monde , un vrai pay to play dommage

Mega repetitivo, pero empezó mi enganchada a coleccionar cosas

best one right behind giants

É o meu favorito por ser o mais fácil de desbloquear todas as áreas que vem com o jogo sem gastar muito para ter bonecos divertidos, ao contrario dos outros da franquia que são bem pay to win

Sûrement nul si j'y rejoue mais c'est le jeu de mon enfance l'ambiance les ost etc c'était vraiment unique

Had some good fun on that game, but maybe nostalgia is talking idk

Gostava de colecionar os personagens mas até hoje nunca percebi porque nao dava para saltar com os personagens.

Amazing idea for a game even though you are giving into corporate greediness just to be able to 100% the game.

this is one of the SLOWEST horribly paced and tedious platformers I've ever played. I say Platformer because it's not really a platformer. it's more like half rogue like, half lego game? there isn't even a jump button. every single mission is the same with boring layouts and bland combat and I could not be assed to go any further in this game.

I am indeed a kid from the 2000s I played Minecraft and Skylanders back in the day, anyway it's a silly brawler great for kids in many ways but I definitely think it's a bit of an insult to Spyro which still has the same kinda feel and charm but barely the same gamedesign. this is like the Raving Rabbids of the Spyro franchise in a way. I don't know how well it holds up because I don't wanna replay it.

Great concept, had lots of the guys

skylanders were revolutionary when i was a kid this game was so cool i would play all the time with my cousin and we would try to collect all of them, my favorite skylanders were drobot and wrecking ball

Bon jeu mais fallait payer pour samuser en plus

This game was entertaining for kids, I remember being really obsessed with the Skylanders back then, and my dad used to buy me some new figurines from time to time, I think that the concept of those figures coming to reality once you put them over the altar was suuuuch a cool one, and the Skylanders were pretty varied and had different movesets and builds.

The gameplay mechanics weren't really amazing though.

Still, I didnt like the fact of having to pay 15€ in order to unlock a new character, even though it was cool to collect them, and i like it even less now, especially knowing my money was going to Activision.

You have no idea what it was like to boot up this bad boy for the first time.

This was the start of my consoomer phase back when I was like 7

this really aged poorly, basically everything besides the world design and the soundtrack are godawful in retrospective, not to speak of the monetization model they had with this game

5☆ - The game that shaped my childhood. This is almost definitely a pure nostalgia rating, but to me the game is so significant that I only see the good and turn a blind eye to any flaws to a point where I don't notice any.

Juegazo. Innovador, entretenido y tenías muchísimos personajes para jugar y mejorar. Lo malo del juego es que es muy corto, y que te gastabas una pasta en los personajes, pero las figuras estaban guapísimas.

didnt have the tism to enjoy this

This game had a chokehold on me when I was a kid. For maybe a solid year, I was OBSESSED with getting all of the figurines, and I was 2 away before I gave up and moved on. I think this is a really cool idea for a game and started a pretty interesting trend in the industry, but the game itself is super basic and a little scummy with how it integrates the whole 'toys to life' feature

How fucked up is it that I know about Spyro and Crash Bandicoot through this franchise and not because I had those games themselves? Society has fallen, billions must 100% crash 4

Games still Ight though, I actually didn’t grow up with this one I had Giants and everything after, but it’s still decent
Definitely don’t think it would’ve been as popular (or profitable) without the toys to life aspect and the Spyro branding though