Reviews from

in the past

I'm old enough to appreciate how ugly the box art and Spyro's design really are (my dad bought me all the skylanders! i'm sorry pops that wasn't worth it)

Voy a volver atrás en el tiempo y convencerme a mi mismo de que no quiero Skylanders por mi cumpleaños

POV your mom said you could get a game this week but it has to be under $30

I know this game is just a toy selling scheme but I collected everyone and had so much fun as a kid, kept me hooked

i mean all skylanders games are getting full nostalgia points from me i dont care that i spent billions on the little guys

Microtransactions but fucking awesome

I actually really like this game for the atmosphere and world building. And character design. Toys to life was cool when you were a kid, hold on to that feeling.

my mom bought this for me because spyro's name was in the title

Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure will be, regardless of anything else, seen as one of the most nostalgic and defining games of this generation. Being the first real mainstream introduction to the toys to life concept, and forever changing the monetization ideologies of the gaming indusrty which can still be seen today. A game that while with a horribly exploitative method of making its money; a manner that even today can still be seen as excessive, did change things, and is still at the end of the day a quite well put together action game for kids. With a cute story, engaging concept, and quite good exicution.

Child me fucked with this so hard

I haven't played this game in years, and all I have is a vague memory of my huge collection of Skylanders figures and some parts of the first few games. I'm basing this off my very few memories of the game.

A neat game, but pretty outdated. its cool that this was essentially amiibo before amiibo, but in terms of actual game-play its essentially just solving extremely basic puzzles and then mashing buttons to win.

I am indeed a kid from the 2000s I played Minecraft and Skylanders back in the day, anyway it's a silly brawler great for kids in many ways but I definitely think it's a bit of an insult to Spyro which still has the same kinda feel and charm but barely the same gamedesign. this is like the Raving Rabbids of the Spyro franchise in a way. I don't know how well it holds up because I don't wanna replay it.

Fun game and combat. I love collecting plastic!!!

My skylanders would always die lmao (but i had a SHITLOAD of them) >:D

i knew this shit was a scam even when i was a kid but god damn it was cool

- Spyro -
Este es uno de esos juegos que me encataron pq funcionaban con juguetes 🙀. Mirar eso me parecía algo increible pq era uno de mis sueños, pasar mis juguetes a un juego.
En ese tiempo solo logre tener las 3 figuras iniciales pero con eso me basto para terminar el juego y divertirme.
Ahora si, el juego al estar basado en figuras abuso mucho de recortar el contenido y encerrarlo en el uso de un skylander esp y elemento. Tambien hizo uso de vender figuras que traían algun pequeño Dlc.

La historia y gameplay estan bien, y a mi parecer pudo ser mejor pero al ser un juego dedicado para niños pues no quisiero darle un gameplay e historia mejor hecho y hecha.

How fucked up is it that I know about Spyro and Crash Bandicoot through this franchise and not because I had those games themselves? Society has fallen, billions must 100% crash 4

Games still Ight though, I actually didn’t grow up with this one I had Giants and everything after, but it’s still decent
Definitely don’t think it would’ve been as popular (or profitable) without the toys to life aspect and the Spyro branding though

I have pretty big nostalgia playing this game and the little Skylander figures, not sure if you can emulate this one (You probably can though)

5☆ - The game that shaped my childhood. This is almost definitely a pure nostalgia rating, but to me the game is so significant that I only see the good and turn a blind eye to any flaws to a point where I don't notice any.

after 13 years I finally finished this lmao, so here's what happened I got this for Christmas like a billion years ago I was a child and I totally fell for the marketing, and tbf I played quite a bit like checking my old save my characters were all max level but I never finished the game because the final boss is so hard like their health bar is so big and ur health bar is so small obviously this is to incentivize you to buy more Skylanders because how many Skylanders you have at the end of the day is how many lives you have and even as a kid I understood it that's how blatant it was and I hated it cause i knew my parents would not buy me more figures and this was before I had any spending money at all lol
but regardless I thought u know I am not a child anymore I have played a lot of games my Wii is right there I just gotta hook it up and if my save is still there I just gotta beat that final boss how hard can it be... I beat it on the first try with the 3 basic guys that came with the game and only one of them died yeah... I was leading you on there 💀 I think the credits took longer than it took me to beat it but it was hard and I still think the balance was bs
but nothing beats the feeling of closing that unfinished business you had as a child

This game was entertaining for kids, I remember being really obsessed with the Skylanders back then, and my dad used to buy me some new figurines from time to time, I think that the concept of those figures coming to reality once you put them over the altar was suuuuch a cool one, and the Skylanders were pretty varied and had different movesets and builds.

The gameplay mechanics weren't really amazing though.

Still, I didnt like the fact of having to pay 15€ in order to unlock a new character, even though it was cool to collect them, and i like it even less now, especially knowing my money was going to Activision.

What a time to be a kid at the time with so much variety in gameplay in one single game, truly the 2nd best game in its series and undoubtedly one of the biggest money spenders back then, like a single Skylander was AU$20 back then like what is this, an Amiibo? Even though it had a little unreasonable prices I still am proud to have been able to get this experience in my childhood back then.

this game was unironically fun and i still have my collector's poster up in my bedroom with all the stickers i got from the characters i (my mom) bought