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:C: [14/Feb/24] - 14.000/12.000 joyas | 80/80 dragones | 12/12 huevos de dragón | 14/14 logros

This game is piss-easy and the bosses are pathetic (I kinda feel bad for roasting Gnasty Gnorc alive ngl), but man do the vibes go hard.

Spyro the Dragon is a very simple collect-a-thon: you run around open areas, do some platforming, collect gems, and free dragons. That’s literally the entire game. While that may be disappointing to some people, I thoroughly enjoyed just how simplistic it was. You just collect stuff in these beautiful fantasy worlds while listening to some chill ahh music composed by the drummer for The Police, and it’s an absolute vibe all the way through. Spyro the Dragon is just a fun, relaxing experience that definitely has flaws, but it’s well worth the few hours it takes to get through it. I can’t wait to play the Reignited Trilogy version of this game to see how it’s been improved.

Game is alright. The controls aren’t terrible but they aren’t good either. Same goes for the camera and the music is just straight-up ass.
The game does have a unique charm to it though. Spyro has a lot of personality in this game. Even though that personality is that he's a little shit.

As I mentioned before, the controls aren't great. I would semi-regularly just fall off a cliff because of the controls. Gliding is especially janky and hard to control. It’s very easy to over-glide.
Other than the difficulties I had with the platforming because of these controls, the game is super easy.

The hub worlds were fine. I especially liked the Magic crafter world. The stages were varied and enjoyable for the most part too.
Unfortunately, The boss “fights” were pretty lackcluster.
The worst offender being the Gnasty Gnorc fight. That one was extremely annoying. One missed jump and you can start all over again.

Even though this game is pretty dated compared to Spyro 2, I did like some aspects of this game better. For example, this game is a lot more straightforward and does not rely on a little challenge or minigame for each and every collectible in the game. I still liked Spyro 2 a tad more than this one though but they difference is marginal.

Amazing visual and aural style. Simple, yet incredibly expressive moveset. Stays focused and concise for the whole game. Just peak.

My first ever console game. Started a lifelong love for the purple dragon.

Played via reignited trilogy. Really solid platformer that's so much fun to 100%. Flying levels suck though. Especially peace keepers. Frick peace keepers flying level.

esse foi o jogo da trilogia que eu menos me diverti e que fiquei com menos vontade de zerar, não é ruim mas tipo ele acabar não oferecendo muito desafio, as fases são bem faceis e curtas, e o gnasty gnorc acabar sendo um vilão bem ruinzinho, mas ele é um jogo bem bonito e com musicas boas, mas podia ser melhor

Had the reignited trilogy for years and only just got around to playing the first spyro game, had fond memories of playing spyro as a kid so it was good to experience the game whilst being capable of understanding what I was doing for the first time

spyro is visually very charming and great to play but i never really bothered finishing it.

Jogo muito lindo cara os sons as fases os bichos tudo quadrado. Encapsula muito bem o sentimento quase onírico que eu tenho quando jogo esses plataformas antigos. Só que como se trata do primeiro jogo da franquia, ainda é bem simplório e a maior parte se não o total da dificuldade que você vai ter desse jogo é por ele ser "janky" as vezes, fora isso é só saber qual inimigo tacar fogo e qual inimigo tacar o chifre. Fora os bosses que são patéticos mas beleza os caras aprenderam depois...

love being a purple dragon that collects gems

Great story, great gameplay mechanics.

I'm not the fondest about the first Spyro, not because I think it's worse than its successors but simply because it's not as polished and fine tuned as those. I think it's a common thread with all platformers and collectathlons from this era, but to undermine and undercut what this game meant and still means would be unfair and unjustly cold.

Spyro the Dragon works fluidly and it's got great depth, both in design thinking and controls. It's honestly baffling seeing Spyro so well animated, respond so quickly to jumping, shooting fire and flying around. It is a technical wonder and considering how the game implements all sections of gameplay is simply astonishing.

There are some things I dislike, but it's not about age, nor design. I think this game wants to be unfair and unjust to people, like me of course, who don't want to leave any gem behind and it forces you to be completely through in order to get to the 100% line. Let me tell you, Tree Tops awaits me every single time and I waver. That damned jump haunts my dreams, hours lost like the rain. I am already being punished every day for being like this, game, goddammit! Stop hounding me.

Still I would recommend playing it, either in the original form or in the Trilogy which, compared to the N. Sane Trilogy, does respect the PS1 physics and revamps a little the ambience, but honestly? It still looks phenomenal. 98' was a lifetime ago and the Reignited Trilogy only irons some wrinkles here and there. I'd say for convenience's sake just get the Trilogy.

There's a level in the game I just stopped and stared at the backdrop for multiple minutes. Several levels, actually. This game is so beautiful and pretty in a unique way. If you love dreamy, colorful, vibrant worlds, this game will be right up your alley. The color palettes used in the Dream Weavers world are real pieces of eye-candy.

Take that amazing atmosphere and combine it with super fun platforming, satisfying sound effects and visuals when you collect gems, whimsical dragons(and enemies) to meet, and numerous 'ah-ah!' moments that combine your maneuvering abilities with your game know-how and you get a masterpiece. The game is so 'video-gamey'. You run, collect gems, defeat enemies with simple attacks, unlock new worlds and levels. But it works so well.

100% again and well worth it, one of the best 3D platformers ever made super good even to this day.

Heaven to me looks like Dark Hollow but as my backyard.

Tried only the demo of this one thanks to Crash Warped (reason why I was familiar with one level when I played the remake lmao). Still has some solid retro charm alright.

Juegazo, adictivo divertido y colorido

thought it was a pretty cute simple early 3d platformer, 100% playthrough includes some nightmarish shit like Tree Tops with its tony-hawk ass level design. played the japanese version, worse camera, maybe this is secretly an 8 or a 9. i'll never know

A platformer that remains an appealing product two and a half decades after its initial release. The character designs are charming, and the art style stands the test of time. However, the strange lack of support for the right analogue stick to control the camera hinders the enjoyment of the experience, and the soundtrack isn't overly memorable.

Trying out Backloggd so I can keep track of the games I've played. I thought I'd start with my favorite game of all time!

Spyro the Dragon, to me, is the platonic ideal of a video game. A brightly colored 3-D platformer with stellar music and basic gameplay. There's no upgrades, no seeking out areas to come back to later, no shops or challenges. Spyro can do everything he's able to from the minute you start, and he doesn't change at all from beginning to end. It's perfect.

One of the things that made me love Spyro as a kid was its openness. You only need to fulfill a few small obligations to unlock new areas, so you can play as thoroughly or as fast as you please. Personally, I loved visiting each new area, hearing Stewart Copeland's wonderful score in each level, and charging and burning everything in sight. I wanted to get every single gem, dragon, and egg in the game, and it took 6 year old me a VERY long time to do it. Finally completing my goal is one of my proudest moments in gaming.

Since then, I've played this game at least once a year. I could run it with my eyes closed. I know every polygon by now. I can post about all the games I've played, but Spyro the Dragon was my first. No other game can make me feel like Spyro does.

I don't remember this but i'm obligated to rate it

Muy entretenido y simpático, muy buen juego.