Reviews from

in the past

While this game didn't reinvent the genre, it was one of the most well put together shooters to have come out by 1992 and it's almost crazy that it doesn't get more recognition. The fact that it managed to achieve this speed of gameplay without any slowdown issues on the NES is impressive on its own, but it also melds that gameplay with nicely designed backgrounds, animations and a frenetic techno soundtrack.

The game mechanics themselves an excellent blend of schmup staples, including main and sub weapons that can be upgraded through typical powerup collection, and the ability to fire sideways allows for a few proto-bullet hell scenarios throughout the game. That sense of tension is held throughout every level and the game maintains a challenge while never feeling unfair.

A gem of a shooter that came along, not on Arcades, but a home console on its last legs and slapped you in the face a few times to make sure you were still paying attention.

Maybe in another 20 years they can make a 2nd good shmup.

m not a druggie so idk what m talking about but this game is like a normal shmup on crack. now if u play this game while on crack, what would happen? you'd probably die cuz drugs kill u.

its got badass early 90s rave music. its got fast af bullets and enemies like raiden fighters. u can change ur ship's speed. if u put it at maximum ur ship is so fast u can barely control it. this is the only way to play.

this game just starts and says "good luck fucko" and sends you into the fastest shmup youve ever played.

youre basically required to stay at the top of the screen and get risky, because otherwise you just get swarmed with enemies you cant break through.

Music genuinely goes insane, crazy fucking famicom rave music that makes me wanna do that lain dancing gif irl

I'm not photosensitive so the flickering didnt bother me but I'd definitely want to see it remade/remastered with the flickering remove so that more people can play it

%100 kusma garantili oyun arıyorsanız doğru yerdesiniz. Recca oyuncusuna istediğini tam olarak veriyor. Artık renk paletinden midir, sahte 3d arkaplan konseptinden midir oyunda insanın üstüne oturan ve midesini ayağa kaldıran bir şeyler var. Sahnede aynı anda çok fazla asset renderlandığı için objeler bloklanıyor, bu durum oyunun yavaşlamasına ve assetlerin anlık kaybolmasına sebep oluyor. İşin kötü yanı bloklanan assetlerin hitboxları hala aktif kalıyor. Obje sayısı biraz artınca görünmez düşmanlarla da savaşmaya başlıyoruz ha buna bir de ek oyunun yavaşlamasıyla temposunun bozulması da var.
Ben bu oyunu sevmiyorum. Oyun içi tasarımlar çok soyut, müzikler çok soyut, çok gri bir oyun recca. Boss savaşları da tek sprite'lık büyük duvar blokları gibi. Oyundaki en büyük ve detaylı tasarımlar onlar ama onlar da aynı şekilde özensiz ve ruhsuz. Gun Nac'ten teknik olarak alabileceği çok fazla ders varmış ama almamış.
Kısaca recca kötü bir oyun. Dönemine göre de kötü bir oyun. Genelde kılı kılçığı ayıklandığında, ufak problemleri onarıldığında efsane olma potansiyeli yüksek oyunlar vardır ya, işte recca onlardan biri değil.

I can simply no longer idly stand by while users with names like realbabymario who probably wear polos and adhere to their local exterior property maintenance bylaws say games are "like crack smoked crack"

if you'd like to keep comparing computer entertainment software to drugs I'm going to hereby require evidence that you've done them. to this end you may send a video clip with your username and partaking visible as well as a signed letter of guarantorship from your dealer and That Guy who's always chilling with your dealer to my personal address:

anyway, more games should feel like technoweapons. I wanna feel disoriented and unhinged and experience immediate changes in my mental state. I wanna turn it off and feel like thick, heavy cables were yanked from base of my skull. the word visceral was commandeered by marketing freaks selling gratuitous 7th gen killporn animations to teenagers, but once in a while you get a chance to remember what it actually means

some games can take hours and hours to draw a potent reaction from you; this one takes a few seconds. soon as the garish flashing, unbearable speed, and famicom techno hits you immediately understand the experience and the relationship you're gonna have with it

one of the most convincing displays of technical wizardry you'll find in 1992 or otherwise. this is the exact moment yagawa the grey turned into yagawa the white. these boys weren't just cooking, they were on that molecular gastronomy shit. that FFIX 99 frogs shit. that meowscular chef shit — no dango in sight

this hits me like saying games "feel like they were made in an albuquerque RV" hits guys who think mexico's literally yellow


Game Review - originally written by TheFreak

Damn. I mean..Day-amn! This is a shooter. I mean…an NES shooter…Faster than any other NES game out there. This game makes the concept of Blast Processing about as slow as Stewart Smiley. And it’s TOUGH. Like, so tough it walks up to R-Type on a beach and kicks sand into its face. And huge bosses. Gotta love huge bosses. Treasure made their living on huge bosses, and this game has huge bosses. It’s not by Treasure, but HUGE FUCKING BOSSES!! Roight.
(editor's note: I too fucking love this game, Star Soldier stole a bottle of Adderall from your medicine cabinet while using the bathroom and this is the result)

Like a Compile shmup on crack, Recca is a fiercely fast and outright hostile looking game but also a lot of fun and a technical marvel for the famicom hardware. The charge bomb attack and built-in autofire make the game feel surprisingly modern and it's certainly the best-aged shmup on the system.